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'Wanted to assassinate Queen Elizabeth for Jallianwala Bagh massacre': Claims Sikh man who broke into Windsor Castle

| Satyaagrah | Global
According to reports, the man scaled the walls of the Windsor Castle in Berkshire, south-east England, on Christmas Day, and broke into the premises when Queen Elizabeth was reportedly having breakfast

Discovery of a mass grave of 215 indigenous children in a school in Canada is a sad souvenir of the genocides of America

| Satyaagrah | Global
Part of the brutal colonization process involved ‘civilizing’ indigenous people by forcibly converting them to Christianity and making them give up their indigenous customs

Dravidianists Periyar Ambedkar Study Circle organises janeu cutting skits in New Jersey: How Hindumisia propaganda is flourishing in US

| Satyaagrah | Global
Dravidianists’ first weapon to attack Brahmins is janeu. Even though janeu was worn by almost all jatis regardless of the varna in old times

Defence land being used for commercial purposes like Shopping malls and wedding halls: Pakistan SC slams military for doing business instead of protecting country

| Satyaagrah | Global
"All the land of cantonments must be restored to its original condition," said the court. It further added that the court would examine the army laws and rules. The Chief Justice said, "The army is there for the country's defence, not for doing business."

Supported the United States-led ‘war on terror’ in Afghanistan for ‘dollars’ and not in “public interest”: PM Imran Khan regrets

| Satyaagrah | Global
"I am well aware of what considerations there were behind the decision. Unfortunately, the people of Pakistan were not a consideration," said while speaking about Pakistan's policy of extending support to the United States in their war against terrorism in the wake of the 9/11 attacks

United Nations says it has no money to feed poor in war-torn Yemen but ready to pay USD 6 million to Taliban for security and food

| Satyaagrah | Global
Experts are skeptical as this fund to Taliban may violate the sanctions placed by US and UN against the top leaders of Taliban. Taliban and Haqqani Network remain designated under the US government's counterterrorism sanctions programme

From calling wokeness a huge menace to modern civilisation to mocking CNN: Here is what Elon Musk told Babylon Bee

| Satyaagrah | Global
When one of the hosts suggested that Musk "could have been on CNN right now," which he said was a "real news organization" unlike the Babylon Bee, Musk promptly responded, "I'm not perverted enough, I guess."

Gurparwant Pannu sought Imran Khan’s help for Khalistan Referendum and ‘Fall of Delhi’ just two days before Golden Temple lynching

| Satyaagrah | Global
Sikh For Justice's Gurparwant Pannu has said that the referendum for Khalistan will take place alongside upcoming Punjab state assembly elections

Parents blast teachers for indoctrinating their 12-year-old daughter into trans identity: California

| Satyaagrah | Global
Jessica Konen, a mother of a 12-year-old girl, recently had an outburst at a California school where she accused the school staff of indoctrinating her daughter in an LGBTQ club disguised as an 'Equality Club'

Greece bans Halal slaughter for being inhumane

| Satyaagrah | Global
Animal rights bodies have opined that animal welfare should weigh above religious concerns and hence Kosher and Halal slaughter that causes trauma to animals being killed have to be done away with