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Monday, 24 June 2024 | 06:42 pm

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"Man versus dog: in this round of alimony Olympics, Fido takes the gold!": In an unprecedented ruling, Mumbai's court insists that man's best friend requires maintenance too, husband now legally obliged to pay estranged wife's canine companions' upkeep

| Satyaagrah | Law
Presiding over this curious case, Magistrate Komalsing Rajput took a moment to school everyone in the courtroom on the importance of pets in one's life

"Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it": Justice served in the infamous coal scam case as former Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda and son Devender Darda gets 4-year prison sentence, and ex-Coal Secretary HC Gupta is sentenced to 3 years

| Satyaagrah | Law
The coal block was allocated to JLD through what the court described as a concerted collaboration between the company's office bearers and key officials from the Ministry of Coal - namely Gupta, Kropha, and Samria

"Abuse is the weapon of the vulgar": Supreme Court to hear PIL for constitution of National Commission for Men, in total of  1,18,979 men suicide in the given year accounted 72% of the total suicide cases whereas women suicide represented roughly 27% only

| Satyaagrah | Law
The petition additionally seeks a directive for the National Human Rights Commission to address the issue of suicides committed by married men and to accept complaints of domestic violence suffered by men

"Success & all good things in life, start with a genuine concern for others": Supreme Court collegium publishing RAW, IB opinions on candidates for judgeship a matter of concern, crores of pending cases, delay of justice is denial of justice: Kiren Rijiju

| Satyaagrah | Law
Recently, the Collegium had published on the top court's website, a slew of resolutions containing reasons given by IB and RAW on why the government was opposing candidature of certain persons for judgeship

"To no one we shall sell, to no one we shall deny or defer right or justice": Delhi High Court refuses to entertain Sameer Wankhede plea seeking protection in the disproportionate assets case, came to limelight as NCB questioned celebrities in drugs case

| Satyaagrah | Law
The Court allowed Wankhede's counsel to withdraw the plea and file a fresh petition with the copy of the communication sought to be challenged before the appropriate court