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China's 39 Air Force aircraft breached the air defence zone of Taiwan on Sunday as the largest incursion in Taiwanese territory since Oct 2021: Aggression of Communist regime continues

| Satyaagrah | Global
As per the Taiwanese Defence Ministry, missile systems were used to track the movement of the Chinese jets and combat aircraft were dispatched to fend off the enemy's aircraft

Pakistan has repeatedly raised concerns about atrocities on Muslims anywhere in the world, but joined China in the exploitation of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang: China has done large investments in Pakistan

| Satyaagrah | Global
By remaining silent on the violations of the human rights of Uyghur Muslims, Pakistan has so far assisted China obviously because of the large investments China has done in Pakistan

Taiwan govt has decided to open up its National archives to study and rediscover the legacy of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose: Deputy representative Mumin Chen said that Netaji has had a huge influence over Taiwan in the 1930s and 40s

| Satyaagrah | Global
Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre’s deputy representative Mumin Chen urged Indian researchers and historians to study the disappearance of Netaji and his legacy at the country’s National Archive

In a major breakthrough, Police have recovered IEDs smuggled across the border to Pakistan backed terrorist sleeper cells, linked to Dawood Ibrahim’s terror module: a number of explosives have also made their way into Gujarat via the water route

| Satyaagrah | Global
The police are further anticipating that the other explosive devices discovered recently in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab must be a part of the same shipment smuggled from Pakistan

Beijing’s expansionist and interventionist policies has stirred Anti-China sentiments in Nepal: Reports of China drawing fierce pushback from Nepali citizens surfaces

| Satyaagrah | Global
Anti-China demonstrations have become a frequent occurrence in Nepal, the report said, adding that Beijing is trying to further its territorial ambitions by expanding its role in various sectors, including in the security realm

‘Pakistan wants no hostility with India for 100 years, but rapprochement with India not possible when Modi govt is in power’: Pakistan to unveil its first-ever National Security Policy

| Satyaagrah | Global
Pakistan PM Imran Khan will unveil the 100-page National Security Policy of the country on January 14th, which is an umbrella document comprising various areas like defence, foreign and internal policies

Indian international students are falling prey to sex pimps, targeting girls at educational campuses in Canada: Report by The Canadian Bazaar

| Satyaagrah | Global
Brilliant girl students traveling to Canada with the dream of becoming professionals are being forced into the sex trade and to arrest this trend Ms. Sunder’s Centre is actively tracking cases of women exploited

Chinese authorities tortured and arrested Tibet Monks for ‘leaking info’ after forcing them to watch the demolition of 99 foot tall Buddha in Draggo county, Kham, Tibet

| Satyaagrah | Global
Following official complaints that the monument had been constructed too high, the authorities in Sichuan province compelled Tibetan monks and other residents to watch the dismantling of the Buddha statue

Weibo users reveal China used actors to stage flag hoisting video in Chinese territory claiming to be Galwan valley: These accounts are suspended now

| Satyaagrah | Global
According to Weibo users, China used actor Wu Jung and his wife Xie Nan to shoot the propaganda video in the Chinese controlled Aksai Chin, not at Galwan Valley as claimed by Chinese media

Pakistan PM Imran Khan's close friend ‘Lord’ Nazir Ahmed convicted of sexually harassing children: Anti-India agent of Pakistan

| Satyaagrah | Global
Nazir Ahmed, a close friend of Pakistan PM Imran Khan, was at the vanguard of a nasty anti-India campaign, giving venomous speeches against India over the Kashmir conflict on numerous occasions. He's also been a vocal supporter of separatist Khalistani organisations