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As of Tuesday, the tragic boat capsizing incident in the Jhelum River in Srinagar's Gandbal Nowgam area has resulted in 6 confirmed deaths and several others still missing, search and rescue operations being conducted by the State Disaster Response Force

The region has been experiencing "incessant rains" over the past few days, which have significantly raised the water levels of the Jhelum river among other water bodies in the area
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Srinagar: 4 Dead After Boat Carrying School Kids Capsizes In Jhelum River In Gandbal Nowgam; Rescue Op On
Srinagar: 4 Dead After Boat Carrying School Kids Capsizes In Jhelum River In Gandbal Nowgam; Rescue Op On

In a tragic incident in Srinagar, "at least four people were reported dead and several others were missing" after a boat overturned in the Jhelum river in Jammu and Kashmir's Gandbal Nowgam area on Tuesday. As the rescue efforts continued, officials confirmed that "so far, four bodies have been recovered, while many others are missing."

According to sources, the vessel involved in the mishap was transporting "26 passengers, including some school students," when it met with the accident. The boat tragedy has cast a shadow over the region, prompting an urgent response from local authorities.

The State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) team was immediately mobilized and is currently conducting a rescue operation at the accident site. The effort to find and rescue the missing individuals is ongoing, with teams working diligently against the challenging conditions.

Rescue operation underway at Srinagar boat capsize site

Local residents provided details about the circumstances leading to the disaster. They reported that the boat was making its way from Ganderbal to Batwara. Tragically, it "capsized after colliding with one of the pillars of an incomplete bridge," a structure that has been under construction for over a decade.

The region has been experiencing "incessant rains" over the past few days, which have significantly raised the water levels of the Jhelum river among other water bodies in the area. This has exacerbated the risks associated with water travel during this period.

Additionally, the heavy rainfall has also caused other emergencies in the region, including a flash flood in Mendhar where "four people were rescued" as the rains overwhelmed the city.

The authorities are urging the public to stay vigilant and avoid water bodies until the weather conditions improve and it is deemed safe. The ongoing rescue operations are a top priority, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Avalanche and Rain Alerts Issued Across Kashmir Amidst Tragic Incidents

The local weather department has heightened the urgency in Kashmir by issuing significant alerts due to adverse weather conditions. An "avalanche alert and orange alert for rain was sounded by the weather department for parts of Kashmir." Specifically, the avalanche warning, denoting a 'medium' danger level, was directed at Kupwara and Ganderbal districts, coming into effect on Saturday.

Further emphasizing the severity of the situation, the meteorological office had also "issued an orange alert for heavy rainfall in the region between April 13 and 15." This forecast predicts substantial rain, which could exacerbate the already dire conditions in the area.

In response to the tragic boat capsize incident in Srinagar, which resulted in multiple fatalities, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, alongside other regional leaders, has publicly expressed his condolences. "I am deeply grieved by the loss of lives due to a boat accident in Srinagar. My thoughts are with the bereaved families & I pray to the Almighty to give them strength to withstand this immense loss," Lt. Governor Sinha shared in a heartfelt message on social media platform X.

He continued to assure the public of ongoing efforts to manage the crisis, stating, "Team of SDRF, Army & other agencies are carrying out relief & rescue work." His involvement extends beyond just statements, as he confirmed, "I am constantly monitoring the situation and guiding the team on the ground."

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has reiterated the government's commitment to the victims. "The administration is providing all possible help to the bereaved families who have lost their near and dear ones and medical facilities to those who have been injured," Sinha explained. He also noted that the Marcos teams, specialized in aquatic disaster response, have been alerted and are ready to assist. "I am constantly monitoring the situation and guiding the team on the ground," he added, ensuring ongoing leadership and oversight in the rescue operations.

Mehbooba Mufti, the chief of the Jammu and Kashmir People's Democratic Party, expressed her dismay upon learning about the tragic incident in Ganderbal. Through a post on the social media platform X, she conveyed her shock and sorrow: "I was shocked to hear about the tragic accident in Batwara where a boat capsized. Reports coming in of several children dead. My deepest condolences to their families and I urge the administration to extend all possible help."

In her statement, Mufti also commented on the political climate amidst the tragedy, highlighting broader security concerns in the region. "...I am really sad that a boat capsized (in River Jhelum in Srinagar)...You must have heard that a few days back a tourist guide was shot by militants in Shopian. It is really sad but it doesn't mean the youth in large numbers will be put behind bars...Pulwama and Shopian districts have always supported us..." She stressed the importance of not conflating individual incidents with community-wide actions.

Farooq Abdullah, president of the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference, also voiced his grief over the incident, pointing a finger at the government's inadequacies. "What will be the impact on those families whose children were in that boat? I will question the government as to why the bridge that was being built there has not been completed to date...Today they should come to their senses about how many lives they have destroyed...This should be investigated..." Abdullah criticized the government for not finishing the bridge construction that started during the tenure of Omar Abdullah from his party, implying a direct link between governmental negligence and the tragic outcomes.

The emergency response began immediately after the accident was reported, with various teams, including the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), and local police forces, springing into action. Dr. Sameena, Zonal Medical Officer (ZMO) of Batmaloo, shared her firsthand experience from the scene: "Our team have been here since morning. SDRF, NDRF plus the forces are here...We're trying to retrieve the bodies. Some of the injured people have been shifted to SMHS..." This coordinated effort underscores the urgency and gravity of the situation as responders work tirelessly to aid the victims.

The Senior Superintendent of Police for Srinagar is also personally involved, overseeing the operations at Gandbal Batwara. This high level of engagement from the Srinagar Administration and law enforcement agencies illustrates their commitment to managing the crisis effectively.

6 Dead, 3 Still Missing Hours After Boat Capsizes in Srinagar's Jhelum River

The aftermath of the capsizing has seen the death toll rise to six, while rescue operations continue at the site of the tragedy. Three individuals who were rescued from the river are currently receiving medical treatment at Srinagar's SMHS hospital, indicating the severity of their conditions.

The individuals who lost their lives in this tragic event have been identified: Firdousa (30), Raziya (18), Shabir (23), and Gulzar (30). The community mourns their loss as efforts persist to locate and rescue three more people still reported missing.

Amidst the ongoing rescue and recovery efforts, Omar Abdullah, the state’s former Chief Minister, expressed his concern on social media platform X: “Deeply concerned by the reports of a boat capsizing on the river Jhelum at Gandabal, Batwara near Srinagar. I hope & pray that all on board this boat are rescued safely & swiftly.” His message reflects the shared anxiety and hope of the community as they await further developments in the rescue operations.

The recent period in Srinagar has been marked by relentless rains, which have significantly increased the water levels of several water bodies, including the Jhelum River. This surge in water levels has exacerbated existing infrastructure issues, leading to widespread difficulties across the city.

A recent article in Greater Kashmir highlighted the adverse impacts of the heavy rainfall, particularly how it, combined with a deficient drainage system, has resulted in the flooding of major roads throughout Srinagar's summer capital. The situation reached a critical point on Monday, complicating daily commutes and affecting normal life.

Commuters faced severe challenges as the roads, already in poor condition with numerous potholes and sections under construction, were submerged under rainwater. The visibility of road hazards was significantly reduced, causing dangerous driving conditions. The report from Greater Kashmir noted that many travelers narrowly avoided accidents while navigating these treacherous roads.

Residents from various parts of the city, including the Downtown areas like Khanyar, Babademb, and Nowhatta, as well as uptown areas such as Bemina and Batamaloo, reported extensive waterlogging. The persistent issue of flooding has plagued these communities, particularly during periods of heavy rain, reflecting a broader systemic failure to address urban infrastructure needs effectively.

Amidst this backdrop of urban struggle, a more personal tragedy struck the community. The emotional toll of the recent boat capsizing incident became palpably evident as the bodies of the deceased were returned to their homes, casting a "pall of gloom" over the area. The grief was most acute among the families of the deceased, where the sounds of wailing women filled the air, a mournful testament to the loss endured.

In a poignant reflection of local sentiment, one resident expressed his frustration with governmental priorities. "The government is busy with the smart city project to make Srinagar appealing for tourists, but the bridge that has been our demand is not the priority," he lamented. He also pointed to the direct consequences of these neglected infrastructural needs, noting that the tragedy was compounded by the boat being overloaded and losing control, which ultimately led to its capsizing.

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