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Tuesday, 2 July 2024 | 10:15 pm

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"इब्तिदा-ए-इश्क़": Hindu girl tricked by father of four, Taher Pathan posing as 'Sameer Patel,' was raped, converted to Islam, made to wear a burqa, and forced to eat beef; his father Taiyab, mother Lailabi, & first wife Ayesha helped him wholeheartedly

The Police have filed an FIR under sections 376 (rape), 376 (2)(n), 377, 420, 323, 504, 506 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Islam
‘Administered spiked drink and read the Quran to me’: Hindu girl raped, converted to Islam, and force-fed beef; Taher Pathan who posed as a Gujarati Hindu booked
‘Administered spiked drink and read the Quran to me’: Hindu girl raped, converted to Islam, and force-fed beef; Taher Pathan who posed as a Gujarati Hindu booked

A recent and disturbing incident has emerged from Chhatrapati Sabhajinagar district in Maharashtra, highlighting a severe case of alleged deception and forced religious conversion. This case, referred to by some as "Grooming Jihad," was reported on April 16th at the Satara Police Station. The authorities received a complaint against four individuals: Taher Pathan, Taiyab Pathan, Ayesha Pathan, and Lailabi Pathan.

The complaint details a troubling series of events where a 27-year-old Hindu woman was allegedly ensnared by the accused under false pretenses. Taher Pathan initially misrepresented himself as a Hindu, gaining the trust of the young woman. Subsequently, he is accused of engaging in a sexual relationship with her under this deceit.

Further aggravating the situation, it is reported that the woman was compelled to wear a burqa and consume beef, actions against her personal and religious beliefs. Most distressingly, she was purportedly forced to abandon her Hindu faith and convert to Islam against her will.

In response to these serious allegations, the police have taken swift action. An FIR has been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, which includes charges such as rape (sections 376 and 376(2)(n)), unnatural offenses (section 377), cheating (section 420), voluntarily causing hurt (section 323), intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace (section 504), criminal intimidation (section 506), and acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention (section 34).

This case has stirred significant attention and concern among the local community and beyond, highlighting the need for rigorous investigation and just resolution to these grave accusations.

OpIndia has successfully accessed an official FIR copy related to the case. According to the complaint filed by the victim, she first encountered the accused in a private showroom in 2020. During their initial meeting, the accused introduced himself as a Hindu Gujarati named Sameer Patel, falsely claiming to be unmarried. This introduction sparked a friendship between the two, which soon took a distressing turn.

As the relationship developed, the complaint alleges that on one occasion, the accused coerced the victim into engaging in physical relations. The complaint further states that the accused maintained a sexual relationship with her against her wishes. During this time, he also reportedly filmed derogatory videos of her and used these recordings to coerce her into compliance with his demands.

Two years into their acquaintance, a shocking truth came to light for the victim. She discovered that 'Sameer Patel' was not who he claimed to be. His actual identity was Taher Pathan, and he was a Muslim by religion, not a Hindu as he had initially portrayed. This revelation deeply impacted the victim, adding a layer of betrayal to her already grave circumstances. The case has since garnered significant attention, prompting calls for thorough investigations and urgent legal action to address the serious allegations made by the victim.

Upon discovering the true identity of the man she knew as Sameer Patel, the victim made attempts to end the relationship. Nevertheless, the accused thwarted her efforts to leave. He resorted to threats, specifically stating that he would release her derogatory photos on the internet if she tried to sever ties with him. Under this immense pressure and continued manipulation, she was coerced into marrying him and converting to Islam, against her personal will and religious beliefs.

As the ordeal continued, the situation worsened when the woman became pregnant. During her pregnancy, she faced severe physical abuse at the hands of the accused. Tragically, this abuse led to the death of her unborn child. In the year 2022, the coercion escalated further; she was forced to convert to Islam. The accused also made her consume beef and wear a burqa, both actions deeply conflicting with her Hindu faith and personal values.

The victim's statement in the FIR provides a harrowing description of the methods used to enforce these conversions. She recounted being taken to a Maulana, where she was made to ingest a liquid substance over the course of a month. This substance caused her to feel dizzy and disoriented, conditions under which she was then forced to perform Islamic prayers and read the entire Quran. This distressing narrative from the FIR highlights the extent of the manipulation and control exerted by the accused over the victim in this deeply troubling case.

As the situation further unraveled, the victim uncovered more disturbing details about the man she knew as Sameer Patel. She found out that not only had he deceived her about his identity and marital status, but he was also already married and a father to four children. This realization deepened her sense of betrayal and despair. According to the complaint, she was forcibly confined in his home, where she was subjected to brutal assaults by Taher Pathan's family members, including his father Taiyab Pathan, his mother Lailabi Pathan, and his first wife Ayesha Pathan.

Despite the severity of her situation, the victim faced significant obstacles in seeking justice. OpIndia reports that she made several attempts to file an FIR regarding her ordeal, but initially, she did not receive the necessary support to do so. It was not until some members of the Hindu community, including a reporter from Sudarshan TV, became aware of her plight that she finally received the help she needed to register her case with the police.

The police officially registered the FIR under several critical sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, highlighting the serious nature of the accusations:

  • Section 376 covers the charge of rape, indicating non-consensual sexual acts were allegedly committed by the accused.
  • Section 376(2)(n) specifically deals with repeat offenders of rape, suggesting that the accused may have engaged in such actions before.
  • Section 377 pertains to unnatural offenses, which could involve any non-consensual act that deviates from natural norms.
  • Section 420 involves charges of cheating and dishonesty, reflecting the deceit used in misrepresenting his identity and marital status.
  • Section 323 is for punishment for voluntarily causing hurt, corresponding to the physical assaults the victim endured.
  • Section 504 involves intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace, which may relate to the threats and derogatory treatment faced by the victim.
  • Section 506 is for criminal intimidation, supporting the victim’s claims that she was threatened with the release of derogatory photos.
  • Section 34 pertains to acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention, indicating that multiple family members were involved in the abuse and manipulation.

Further investigations into the case are ongoing, aiming to clarify the details and ensure appropriate legal measures are taken against those found guilty. The inclusion of these sections in the FIR underscores the multi-faceted nature of the crimes alleged, ranging from personal assault to premeditated deceit and coercion.


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