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Friday, 28 June 2024 | 04:38 pm

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Amit Shah announces transformative shifts in India's criminal laws, aiming to eradicate colonial legacies and emphasize justice over punishment, with tech integration & comprehensive consultations, Shah envisions an efficient, citizen-centric legal system

| Satyaagrah | Law
The impending transformation of the criminal law system is driven by the ideals of justice and not punishment, echoing a new era for India's legal proceedings

‘No Life Giver In World Like The Mother’: Justice Samir Dave of Gujarat High Court recently invoked a Hindu religious text 'Skanda Purana' to emphasise the value of a mother in society, while permitting a 17-year-old girl to abort her 19-week pregnancy

| Satyaagrah | Law
नास्ति मातृसमा छाया नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः। नास्ति मातृसमं त्राणं नास्ति समा प्रपा।।

Calcutta High Court's landmark judgment illuminates the secular essence of Durga Puja, reinforcing citizens' constitutional rights and India's unity in diversity, a celebration beyond religion, it embodies vibrant spirit of communal harmony & tradition

| Satyaagrah | Law
For many, Durga Puja is not just a festival. It's a testament to the power of unity, diversity, and tradition, transcending the barriers of religious demarcations

"The cost of false justice: a childhood lost": In an unsettling twist of justice, even minors aren't spared from the misuse of SC-ST Act, “I request CM & DCM to explain the meaning of POCSO, Atrocity, & assault cases filed against us”, asks an 8-yr-old

| Satyaagrah | Law
While children his age are engrossed in the simple joys of life, attending school, scribbling drawings, and reveling in innocent games, Vaishnav's life has been tumultuously upended