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Bishnu Shrestha, freshly retired from the 7/8 Gorkha Rifles, was journeying home when 40 armed robbers stormed the train. Amid the looting, as they attempted to gangrape a girl, Bishnu wielded his kukri, killing 3 and injuring 8 in a fierce counterattack

The leader of this despicable group began his assault with a cruel act, cutting open the girl's shirt as she cried out for help
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Present Heros
Bishnu Shrestha, a soldier of the Indian Army who fought off 40 train robbers with a knife, killing 3 and injuring 8 to save a girl from getting raped
Bishnu Shrestha, a soldier of the Indian Army who fought off 40 train robbers with a knife, killing 3 and injuring 8 to save a girl from getting raped

In the quiet of the night on September 2, 2010, Bishnu Shrestha, a retired soldier of the Indian Army, was journeying home. He had hung up his uniform, looking forward to a life of peace after years of combat. The train, cutting through the dense jungles of West Bengal, was a capsule of calm, a stark contrast to the battlefields Shrestha had known. This evening, however, was destined to be more than just a ride home; it would etch his name in the annals of heroism.

Bishnu Shrestha wasn't seeking conflict that night. Surrounded by the serene darkness, he peered into the night, possibly contemplating his future. At 35, this Nepalese ex-soldier, revered in the ranks of the 7th Battalion of the 8th Gurkha Infantry, was on the threshold of a new chapter. His regiment, a cradle of warriors, had a storied history of valor, with legends like Lachhiman Gurung bolstering its legacy. It was a legacy Shrestha was born into, with his father having served in the same unit during the tumult of Vietnam.

Shrestha's military career was a tapestry of valor and resilience, marked by his stints in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other undisclosed fronts. The kukri knife, his constant companion, was a testament to his prowess, a tool with which he had vanquished foes and defended honor. Now, as he sat in the Maurya Express, named after the legendary emperor Chandragupta Maurya, he was miles away from the echoes of war, or so he thought.

The tranquility of the night was a prelude to a test of courage that few could imagine. Shrestha, a warrior at heart, was about to face an ordeal that would demand every ounce of his battle-hardened resolve.

Right around midnight, peace on the Maurya Express was shattered. The train, in an unexpected twist, ground to a sudden stop, throwing passengers forward in their seats, a precursor to a night they'd never forget. Confusion reigned as everyone tried to grasp the sudden shift from tranquility to turmoil. Then, in a turn that felt ripped from the most outlandish action movie, passengers morphed into bandits, pulling out an array of weapons that defied belief – guns, knives, clubs, and yes, even giant swords. The absurdity of the moment was palpable. Seriously, who brings a sword to a train robbery?

The chaos escalated quickly. Additional thugs burst in from the side doors, having crept through the jungle's darkness to join the fray. The train was soon awash with robbers, a motley crew of villainy, making their way down the aisles. They were relentless, targeting everyone in sight – wallets were snatched, jewelry ripped from necks, laptops and cell phones grabbed, with the sharp threat of knives looming over the frightened passengers.

In the midst of this bedlam sat Naik Bishnu Shrestha, an island of calm in a sea of chaos. His demeanor unchanged, he observed silently, his expression giving nothing away. When the robbers reached him, taking his wallet, he didn’t flinch. Shrestha's resolve was clear; he saw this not as his battle to fight. The instinct of a seasoned soldier told him to stay quiet, comply, and survive. After all, in his eyes, no amount of money was worth the cost of a life. This wasn't about the material loss but choosing the moment to fight wisely. Shrestha's silent strength in that moment spoke volumes, a true testament to his inner warrior, waiting patiently for the right time to act.

The situation aboard the Maurya Express took a dire turn, plunging from a chaotic robbery into a scene of unimaginable horror. Shit just got out of hand.  Near Bishnu Shrestha, an innocent 18-year-old girl was sitting with her parents when she became the target of the robbers' vile intentions. The gang, devoid of any semblance of humanity, decided to inflict unspeakable terror on her, they decided to gang-rape her in the presence of her terrified parents. The leader of this despicable group began his assault with a cruel act, cutting open the girl's shirt as she cried out for help.

This heinous act was the tipping point for Bishnu Shrestha. Witnessing such atrocity against an innocent, especially in front of her distraught parents, ignited a fury within him that could not be contained.  That was fucking it. His resolve hardened; he could not, would not, stand idly by.

The robbers, in their greed and haste, had overlooked a crucial detail in their encounter with Shrestha. They had taken his wallet but had failed to find his kukri. This error would prove to be their undoing. Shrestha, a Gurkha warrior of the highest order, came from a lineage of warriors known not just for their bravery but for their unparalleled skill in battle, honed through centuries of warfare. This ultra-hardass Gurkha warrior, one in a long line of head-cleaving soldiers battle-hardened by centuries of hand-to-hand combat (and a steady diet of steel tacks and the corpses of their slain enemies), had given up his money, but knew better than to ever relinquish his weapon.

His kukri, more than a mere weapon, was an extension of his will, a symbol of his oath to protect the innocent at all costs.

With the calm precision of the seasoned soldier he was, Shrestha drew his kukri from its concealment. The robbers, who until now had reveled in the terror they inflicted, were about to face a man whose life was forged in the crucible of combat. Shrestha was ready to mete out justice, his blade poised to teach these villains the true meaning of retribution. They were about to learn, through the sharpness of his kukri, a lesson in pain and consequence, a taste of their own medicine far more bitter than they could have ever imagined.

In an act of unparalleled valor, Corporal Shrestha transformed from a silent observer into a force of retribution in mere moments. With the swift grace that spoke of years of rigorous training, he drew his kukri, the epitome of Gurkha valor, and launched into action. His first move was a strategic masterstroke, snatching the would-be rapist in a sleeper hold, not just saving the girl but also turning the assailant into a shield against his comrades' attacks. In a flurry of motion, he struck at one of the attackers, his kukri a blur of steel that sent the thug reeling in a spray of blood.

The scene descended into chaos as another attacker, deterred from targeting Shrestha by the human shield, turned his weapon towards the girl. Despite his vile intentions, he managed only a superficial wound before Shrestha neutralized him with a strike swift as lightning. With the immediate threat to the girl neutralized, Shrestha dispatched the human shield in his grasp and set his sights on the remaining adversaries, his blood boiling with righteous fury.

The specifics of the ensuing melee blur into the realm of legend. Reports struggle to capture the full scope of what transpired, where one Gurkha, embodying the fierce spirit of his regiment, stood alone against a horde of 40 merciless cutthroats robbers. This wasn't just a fight; it was a saga of heroism reminiscent of the most thrilling action blockbusters — minus the Hollywood embellishments. Shrestha found himself in a scenario that seemed to belong on the silver screen, a lone warrior pitted against a swarm of enemies in a situation where the stakes could not be higher.

In a moment that blurred the lines between reality and the most gripping of action thrillers, Corporal Shrestha stood as the singular force against an onslaught of terror. The details of this epic confrontation might be shrouded in the fog of news reportage, where the narrative struggles to capture the sheer magnitude of Shrestha's heroism. Here was a Gurkha, a warrior of legendary prowess, plunging headfirst into a maelstrom of violence against not one, not ten, but forty hardened criminals. The scene was akin to the most outlandish of action movies, yet no scriptwriter's pen was behind this; it was the raw, unfiltered courage of a soldier forged in the fires of one of the most fearsome military units in the world.

As Shrestha unleashed his fury, the train car became an arena of survival, pitting one man's resolve against the dark tide of well-armed adversaries. The comparison to cinematic heroes like the lone ranger of Die Hard, sans the wisecracks, or the tactical precision of Delta Force, without the Hollywood casting, barely scratches the surface of the ordeal. This was no screenplay's dramatic climax; this was the grim reality of a carriage turned battlefield, where the stakes were not box office returns but the lives of innocent hostages.

The aftermath of Shrestha's initial counterstrike propelled him into a confrontation that seemed to defy reality. Armed only with his kukri and a heart that knew no fear, he faced down the terror, embodying the essence of every action hero who ever graced the silver screen, yet surpassing them with the authenticity of his valor. This wasn't a scene set to the backdrop of dramatic music or cinematic effects; it was the stark, brutal reality of bravery against barbarity, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a true hero caught in the throes of a nightmare. In the face of what could only be described as a real-life amalgamation of Under Siege and Passenger 57, Shrestha's actions transcended fiction, marking a moment of unparalleled heroism in the most dire of circumstances.

Over a harrowing twenty minutes, he unleashed a storm of retribution on the band of marauders, demonstrating what happens when the fiercest of warriors takes a stand against cowardice. Armed with nothing but his kukri and an indomitable spirit, Shrestha took on forty assailants in a confrontation that was nothing short of epic. His actions were a relentless onslaught of precision and bravery, felling three of his adversaries and injuring eight others with maneuvers so dynamic, they could have leapt from the pages of an action hero's playbook.

Despite sustaining a severe injury, a sword cut that would have spelled the end for any ordinary man, Shrestha's resolve did not waver. Every major artery and vein in his left hand was severed, yet he fought on, his kukri a blur of justice as he continued to dispense his fierce brand of retribution. The spectacle of his courage, the sight of a warrior undeterred even as he bled profusely, was a turning point. The attackers, confronted with a force of will so potent, a bravery so unyielding, realized the enormity of their miscalculation. They had not bargained for a battle with a legend, a Gurkha whose very presence on the battlefield was an insurmountable challenge.

Driven by fear and the realization that they faced not merely a man but a force of nature, the remaining thugs scattered, their bravado shattered. The tide had turned decisively in favor of courage and righteousness, with the aftermath of the confrontation leaving a trail of justice in its wake. As the train pulled into the next station, the authorities were met with a scene of triumph over adversity. Shrestha, though wounded, had emerged victorious, his spirit unbroken.

In the aftermath, the police were able to recover a trove of stolen goods — 40 gold necklaces, 200 cell phones, 40 laptops, and a significant sum of cash, evidence of the robbers' defeated ambitions. The wounded, including Shrestha, received prompt medical attention, with the Corporal spending two months in recovery, a testament to the physical cost of his heroism. Those assailants who survived the encounter were taken into custody, their criminal journey ended by the unwavering courage of a true warrior. The saga of that night on the Maurya Express, of Corporal Bishnu Shrestha's incredible stand, remains a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit when faced with the darkness of iniquity.

In the aftermath of his extraordinary act of valor, Bishnu Shrestha's retirement was put on pause. The Gurkhas, recognizing the magnitude of his bravery, brought him back into the fold not just to honor him but to elevate him. Shrestha was promoted and bestowed with two medals that celebrated not only his courage but his sheer awesomeness. His unit, further acknowledging his heroic deed, presented him with a silver-plated kukri — a symbol of his indomitable spirit and a nod to the legendary status he had achieved. This wasn't just any award; it was akin to the accolades one earns in the highest echelons of heroism, reminiscent of the secret weapons unlocked in video games for surpassing impossible odds.

But the recognition didn't stop there. In addition to the honors from his unit, Shrestha received a cash bonus of 50,000 Rupees, a sum that might remind one of the treasures found in the adventures of video game legends. The Indian Government, too, stepped forward to commend his bravery, rewarding him with the bounty placed on the gang he had dismantled. They went a step further, ensuring that Shrestha would enjoy discounted airfare and train tickets for life — a gesture that underscored the profound gratitude and respect they held for him. It was as if his presence alone was deemed a national security asset, an embodiment of the ultimate anti-terror measure.

Yet, amidst all the accolades and recognition, Shrestha's humility shone brightest. The gratitude of the girl's family, expressed through a substantial reward, went unclaimed by him. The family of the girl he saved offered him a reward of $6,500, but the dude never stopped by to collect it. That wasn't the point. To Shrestha, his actions were not about reward or recognition. His response to the outpouring of admiration was as grounded as it was profound. He saw his intervention not as an act of heroism but as a fulfillment of his duty — to his country as a soldier and to humanity as a compassionate individual. "Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier. Taking on the thugs on the train was my duty as a human being," he stated, encapsulating the ethos that drove him to stand against darkness.

Bishnu Shrestha, through his deeds, transcended the role of a soldier and emerged as a beacon of courage and humanity. His story, marked by selflessness and valor, serves as a reminder of the impact one individual can have when they stand firm in the face of adversity, guided by a sense of duty that goes beyond the call of arms — a duty to fellow human beings.


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