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Friday, 28 June 2024 | 04:59 pm

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"Emails For Justice": The SC fast-tracks Moitra's plea after CJI's email invite; when emailing judges is the secret weapon, Moitra's urgent plea against Lok Sabha expulsion becomes a test case for judicial responsiveness in high-profile scenarios

| Satyaagrah | Law
The Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud assured TMC leader Mahua Moitra that he would look into the listing of her plea against her expulsion from Lok Sabha in a cash-for-query case

Jama Masjid atrociously built a wuzukhana on a public park, court lambasted the MCD for failing to free the park from illegal encroachments, and declaring, 'We will direct the police to take over the park,' a firm stance for reclaiming public spaces

| Satyaagrah | Law
The Court asked, "How can MCD lose control over its parks? Public parks can't be taken over in the 21st century. We will direct the police to take over the park."

'आस्था नहीं तो नौकरी नहीं', a defining judgment upholding religious adherence in employment, Andhra Pradesh High Court confirms a temple employee's termination for converting to Christianity, marking a significant decision on religious employment rights

| Satyaagrah | Law
This statement by the judge is crucial in understanding the court's stance. The petitioner had claimed that despite marrying a Christian woman, he had not converted to Christianity himself

In an unexpected turn, the Supreme Court acquits woman accused of killing her newborn; says High Court, trial court possibly didn't respect her right to privacy, it's enlightening to see how privacy might now overshadow the scales of justice, isn't it?

| Satyaagrah | Law
The apex court criticised the courts below including the Chhattisgarh High Court for finding the woman guilty without any solid evidence and for overlooking her right to privacy

In a defining moment, India's Supreme Court declined to recognize same-sex marriage rights, placing the onus on Parliament, amidst passionate pleas & dissenting opinions, future of LGBTQ+ unions remains in legislative hands, echoing society's crossroads

| Satyaagrah | Law
The Court also played the 'not-it' game on the topic of same-sex couples adopting children. For those keeping score at home, the law doesn't currently allow for that either

"Tradition on trial": In a backdrop of temple tensions, the Supreme Court agrees to hear pleas on Tamil Nadu's move to appoint 'non-believers' as priests. The state's rich heritage now intersects with faith, politics, and looming threats of vandalism

| Satyaagrah | Law
As per the petition, despite orders by the SC, the state govt is attempting to appoint non-believers as archakas, only with a view to destroying temples in the state