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Bulldozer out to teach a lesson to criminals, rioters who create unrest in the society: Razed off all the shops near the dargah in Khambhat where stone-pelting took place on the chariots in Rath Yatra procession, Gujarat

According to the police, these shops were illegally built and there were complaints about criminal activities being coordinated through these shops
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Gujarat: Shops, kiosks of suspected rioters demolished

After Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, the Gujarat government has brought out the bulldozer to teach a lesson to the criminals who break the law and create unrest in the society.

Recently, there was an incident of stone-pelting on the chariots in the Rath Yatra procession on the occasion of Ram Navami in Khambhat of Gujarat. The local administration has now razed off all the shops near the dargah in Khambhat where the stone-pelting incident took place.

According to reports, on 10th April 2022, the Rath Yatra of Ram Navami started from a temple in Khambhat and arrived at the place near a local dargah.

According to the police, hundreds of rioters were hiding inside the dargah and as soon as the Rath Yatra reached there, the miscreants started pelting stones at the chariot. On 15th April 2022, the local administration and the police brought a bulldozer to this spot and razed off all the shops just outside this dargah.

Hundreds of rioters were hiding inside the dargah and as soon as the Rath Yatra reached there, the miscreants started pelting stones at the chariot
Hundreds of rioters were hiding inside the dargah and as soon as the Rath Yatra reached there, the miscreants started pelting stones at the chariot

There were around five to six shops. When the police force arrived, the shops were open and operating, but with the help of the police force, these shops were vacated and demolished by bulldozers.

According to the police, these shops were illegally built and there were complaints about criminal activities being coordinated through these shops. Moreover, the boundary wall of the dargah is also said to be illegal and the police will soon demolish the wall too.

It is also being said that demolishing these shops near the dargah is just the beginning and illegal shops and properties elsewhere in the Khambhat town will also be demolished soon.

So far, nine accused along with the Maulavis of the dargah have been arrested by the police in connection with the violence targeting the Ram Navami celebrations.

Gujarat government have carried out demolition of illegal structures of suspected rioters in the Ram Navami violence
Gujarat government has carried out the demolition of illegal structures of suspected rioters in the Ram Navami violence


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