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Friday, 28 June 2024 | 04:52 pm

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Nepal marched from Mahendra Chowk to Bhatta Chowk protesting against excessive Chinese interference in country’s internal affairs: Burnt pictures of Chinese President Xi Jinping and raised slogans of ‘Go Back China'

China has imposed an unofficial blockade at border points affecting Nepali traders and has also portrayed apathy towards the Nepali medical students
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Global

On Thursday, the Rashtriya Ekata Abhiyan in Nepal held demonstrations against China in Biratnagar, Morang, Khabarhub. The civil society of Nepal protested against excessive Chinese interference in Nepal’s internal affairs and encroachment of Nepali territory at various places along the northern border.

The members of Rashtriya Ekata Abhiyan marched from Mahendra Chowk to Bhatta Chowk in Biratnagar and raised slogans against Chinese expansion and its undue interference in the top political circle of the country. They also burnt pictures of Chinese President Xi Jinping during the course of the demonstration.

According to the reports, China has imposed an unofficial blockade at border points affecting Nepali traders and has also portrayed apathy towards the Nepali students who are yet to complete their medical degrees from Chinese Universities. Jitendra Yadav, the Morang coordinator of the group, said that they held protests to make the society and the government realize China’s overarching interference in Nepal’s internal affairs.


Since the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Nepal in October 2019, the country has been witnessing an increasingly assertive Beijing, trying to dictate the political and governmental agenda in Nepal. Reports mention that Nepal is the only country where China wields a certain kind of leverage. However, the situation for China is said to have become difficult after Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli resigned as PM of Nepal in July 2021.

Protests against China have become a regular affair in Nepal. Earlier on January 13, the Rashtriya Ekata Abhiyan had held similar protests and burned pictures of the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal, Hou Yanki in Kathmandu. The protesters had chanted slogans against Yanki and demonstrated placards that read ‘Go Back China’.


opindia.com - OpIndia Staff

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