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Monday, 24 June 2024 | 07:06 pm

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In Mirzapur, near Sheetla Dham a 700-year-old Shivling found during construction has sparked joy, uniting locals in celebration of their heritage and deepening their devotion to Prabhu Shiva, symbolizing an eternal connection to their spiritual roots

As soon as the information about the discovery of Shivalinga was received, the local police was deployed for security.
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Dharm / Sanskriti
Appearance of Shivling during excavation in Shitala Dham
Appearance of Shivling during excavation in Shitala Dham

In a surprising turn of events that sparked immense joy and excitement, the small town of Mirzapur became the center of an unexpected discovery. While a local family was laying the foundation for their new house in the Chunar excavation, specifically in the Sheetal Dham area of Adalpura within the Chunar-Sikhar region, they stumbled upon an ancient Shivling buried beneath the earth. This remarkable find has not only brought a wave of happiness among the residents but has also attracted the attention of history enthusiasts and spiritual followers alike.

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यत्र तत्र सनातन सत्य सर्वत्र 🔥🔥🔥 श्री श्री बड़ी शीतला धाम में भोलेनाथ का बहुत बड़ा शिवलिंग निकाला है..🕉🔱 जनपद मिर्जापुर में चुनार थाना क्षेत्र अंतर्गत अदलपुरा शीतला धाम के समीप सुनील व बच्चालाल पुत्र हीरालाल का मकान बनाने के लिए जब कंक्रीट का कालम डालने के लिए खुदाई कि गई तो गड्ढे में से लगभग सौ किलो वजन का शिवलिंग मिला तो जोर से बोलो हर हर महादेव..🔥🔥🔥 Join | t.me/SatyaagrahIndia - Satyaagrah (@SatyaagrahIndia) 18 Mar 2024

The discovery, made on a quiet Sunday, March 17th, quickly caught the attention of the Department of Archaeology. A dedicated team was promptly dispatched to the site to conduct a thorough investigation. Their preliminary findings estimated the Shivling to be approximately 600 to 700 years old. Such a discovery is rare and signifies a deep historical and cultural significance, resonating with many who hold these symbols in high regard.

As word of the find spread rapidly, the small village and surrounding areas were abuzz with excitement. The news of the unearthed Shivling traveled fast, igniting a sense of wonder and curiosity among the people, much like how a spark quickly turns into a blazing fire in a dry jungle. This sense of community and shared joy highlights the profound impact historical discoveries can have on a local population, bringing them together in celebration of their rich heritage.

The event has transformed the area into a site of unexpected celebration. Villagers and visitors alike are drawn to the location, eager to witness the ancient relic that has lain hidden for centuries. The discovery of the Shivling during such a mundane task as laying the foundation for a house underscores the rich tapestry of history that underpins the everyday lives of the people in this region. It serves as a reminder of the layers of stories, beliefs, and civilizations that have contributed to the fabric of their current existence.

The Department of Archaeology's team, upon arriving in Mirzapur, embarked on a mission not just to excavate but also to delve into an event that seamlessly blends spirituality with the ancient past. Their work highlights the significance of the Shivling discovered, unveiling an artifact that holds deep meaning for both the local community and followers of Lord Shiva. This find transcends mere archaeological interest, symbolizing a confluence of faith, tradition, and history.

The discovery itself is a revelation, illuminating the spiritual landscape of the area. As the archaeologists assess the Shivling's dimensions and study its form and historical uses, they reveal the layers of devotion embedded within this object. This endeavor goes beyond celebrating an archaeological find; it represents a key moment for both devotees and scholars, offering insights into practices and beliefs that have endured through centuries.

The narrative of how the Shivling was found adds a mystical dimension to this event. Locals narrate that the discovery occurred unexpectedly during the construction work near Sheetal Dham in the Adalpura sector of the Chunar Thana area. As workers dug into the earth to lay foundations for a house, they uncovered the Shivling, sparking a spontaneous outpouring of devotion among the people present.

This act of unearthing transformed the construction site into a sacred space, with the community gathering to pay homage to the Shivling. The area, almost overnight, became a focal point for prayer and reflection. Adalpura Chowki's in-charge, Mahendra Patel, alongside his team, visited to oversee and document this significant find. Bachha Lal, the homeowner involved in the digging, found himself at the heart of a profound spiritual discovery, bridging the mundane with the divine.

Following the remarkable discovery, the enormity of the Shivling became evident. It was so vast that any thought of moving it was immediately dismissed. The sight of it left Bachha Lal, the man who had stumbled upon this extraordinary find, in sheer astonishment. Word of the Shivling quickly spread throughout the vicinity, drawing a large number of people to the site, eager to see this significant religious symbol for themselves. Responding to the growing interest, the Adalpura Police Chowki in-charge promptly arrived with officers to examine the location and ensure the crowd's safety.

Amidst the gathering, chants praising Lord Bholenath filled the air, a testament to the community's belief in the miraculous nature of the discovery. Many voiced that it was nothing short of a divine intervention by Lord Bholenath, choosing to reveal himself in the sacred vicinity of Sheetal Mata's abode. This sentiment brought together a massive assembly of individuals, all united in their desire to witness the Shivling firsthand. The local police, informed of the situation, were on hand to provide necessary security measures, maintaining order as the crowd swelled.

The future of the Shivling became a topic of immediate concern. Administrative authorities are expected to deliberate on the appropriate course of action. However, the prevailing sentiment among the local populace is clear—they wish for the Shivling to remain undisturbed in its newfound home. The community's desire is to continue venerating the Shivling in its original location, maintaining a direct and personal connection with this symbol of their faith. This shared hope reflects a deep-seated reverence for the Shivling, emphasizing the importance of its presence in the local spiritual landscape.


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