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Monday, 1 July 2024 | 01:02 am

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"अनाथ": UP Police intercepted a bus in Ayodhya, rescuing 93 Bihar minors trafficked to unregistered Saharanpur madarsas; 5 Maulvis arrested for torturing children, forcing them to clean toilets and fraudulently raising funds under the guise of orphan care

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The Maulvis were taking them to Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh’s Saharanpur for enrollment. However, during their investigation, the police discovered that these Madarsas were unregistered.

"ये जवानी है दीवानी": Hanif Jadi arrested for molesting a Hindu girl in Mehsana, is infamous with criminal records in over 35 cases and gangrape; faces new charges after being recently released on bail, sparking widespread public outrage & legal action

| Satyaagrah | Islam
He threatened the Hindu girl, "Who am I, you know me" and got out of the car with a baseball bat. Allegedly, he also threatened to kill the Hindu youths who helped the Hindu girl and fled from there

"Accepting is Halal, Donating is Haram though": Ayesha Rashan, a 19-year-old Pakistani girl, receives a free heart transplant in India, facilitated by Aishwaryam Trust, amidst controversy over bypassing long waiting lists & prioritizing a foreign patient

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Netizens questioned whether people who choose not to donate should still be able to receive organs and why there are disparate standards around it.