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"When the ink reveals more than the words": Over 255 prominent Indian citizens wrote to President of India and CJI urging for a thorough inquiry into NewsClick's suspicious funding from Neville Roy Singham, a figure connected to Chinese media machinery

The signatories highlight a more pressing concern: the deliberate ignorance of those who are supposed to be the champions of press freedom
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Anti-National
‘Initiate an enquiry to ascertain the full extent of anti-India conspiracy’: 255 eminent citizens write to President, CJI over NewsClick Chinese funding scandal
‘Initiate an enquiry to ascertain the full extent of anti-India conspiracy’: 255 eminent citizens write to President, CJI over NewsClick Chinese funding scandal

In an unprecedented move that has drawn widespread attention, a profound investigation by the renowned daily, The New York Times, has shed light on a scandal that concerns India's national integrity and the media's credibility. The investigation has shockingly revealed that the Indian media platform, NewsClick, has reportedly been backed by significant funding from the influential US entrepreneur, Neville Roy Singham. It's not just the funding that's of concern but the underlying connections that Singham possesses. Notably, he is entwined with the Chinese state's media machinery, and alarmingly, he is affiliated with an array of nonprofit organizations actively echoing China's viewpoints.

This revelation has not just been a subject of media debates but has profoundly perturbed more than 255 eminent Indian citizens. These individuals, who come from diverse and respected fields, have come together as signatories to a profoundly significant letter. Addressed to none other than the President of India and the Chief Justice of India, this letter ardently seeks rigorous action against NewsClick. Their primary contention is the media house's concealed affiliations and the financial backing it reportedly received, as highlighted by the New York Times.

The letter's contents offer a glimpse into the depths of concern and agitation these Indian citizens feel. They pen down their thoughts stating, “It's with a heavy heart that we, as proud Indians, find ourselves penning this letter. Our nation's integrity is at stake, thanks to certain entities disseminating false narratives. To think that NewsClick, a known media portal, has potentially been a pawn in a larger game, bankrolled by Neville Roy Singham who allegedly operates at China's beck and call, is distressing.”

Their angst doesn't end here. The signatories are acutely aggrieved by the audacity and the brazenness with which certain entities are deliberately circulating false information. This not only muddies the waters of India's democratic ethos but also challenges the very foundations upon which our nation stands. They lament the excessive freedom and unchecked liberties these individuals and organizations have enjoyed, mistakenly assuming it to be a privilege granted by the ‘free press’. The signatories assert, “Such unfounded freedoms not only pose threats to our national interest but risk tarnishing the reputation of genuine media houses that operate with integrity.”

It's noteworthy to mention the varied and distinguished backgrounds of the 255 signatories. This diverse group includes revered judges, diligent government officials, and gallant veterans, all of whom have served the nation in their respective capacities.

Another crucial aspect that the letter touches upon is the 2021 raids by the Enforcement Directorate targeting NewsClick's founder, Prabir Purkayastha. These raids were not just routine checks but were linked to a significant money laundering case. Astonishingly, the case revolved around foreign funding, amounting to an estimated Rs 76.9 crore, received over the span of 2018 to 2021.

One can't overlook the emphatic assertion made in the letter about Neville Roy Singham's unmistakable connections with the propaganda wing of the Communist Party of China (CCP). It's been reported that Singham didn't merely fund NewsClick but made massive investments through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), acquiring its shares at exorbitant prices that raised eyebrows.

Moreover, the investigations carried out at NewsClick's office premises made startling discoveries. Regular email exchanges allegedly aligned with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to light. These weren’t just mundane communications. They bore implications that stretched to renowned journalists and even prominent members of India’s political spectrum, raising serious questions about their influence on the nation's policies and decisions.

It's not just about the money trail or the email correspondences. The signatories highlight a more pressing concern: the deliberate ignorance of those who are supposed to be the champions of press freedom. They seem to turn a blind eye to the alarming facts unfolding before them. The national agencies have unearthed a potential strategy by the Chinese Communist Party (CP) to shape a media narrative in sync with Beijing's objectives, which these so-called champions have conveniently overlooked.

To add to the mounting concerns, there's a rising wave of fake news targeting unsuspecting Indian taxpayers, a majority of which seem to originate from China. The fact that an Indian-based website could be playing into foreign hands is not just concerning; it’s enraging. The letter encapsulates this sentiment, declaring, “Knowing that a platform based on our homeland might be aiding another nation's agenda leaves us not just worried but deeply wounded.”

The story continues to unfold, revealing deeper connections, intrigues, and possible conspiracies.

In a series of alarming revelations, the media's role in shaping the narrative in India, particularly amidst grave incidents like the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent international blame-game, has been put into sharp focus. The recent developments pertaining to NewsClick, highlighted in a letter signed by over 255 concerned citizens, have now drawn attention to the potentially compromised ethics of some sections of the media.

The letter, addressed to the highest authorities of the nation — the President and the Chief Justice of India — reveals disturbing details. Most prominently, the New York Times’ investigation brought to light email exchanges that have serious implications. These correspondences unveil the attempts by the NewsClick team to receive directives from Neville Roy Singham, with a clear motive: to craft a positive narrative around China, particularly concerning its management (or alleged mishandling) of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Even more perturbing is the unveiling of the media's seemingly compromised stance following the tragic and much-debated Galwan clashes. The letter asserts: “The very foundation of our trust has been shaken when email trails show that certain media personnel, posing as genuine journalists, were shaping a pro-China story in the aftermath of the Galwan tragedy.”

These correspondences weren't just benign exchanges but suggest a much more sinister plot. The content implies attempts to distort geographical boundaries, portraying parts of established Indian territory as either contested or, even more disturbingly, as a part of China. The letter minces no words in expressing its outrage, labeling such individuals as "traitors."

The alleged financial backing of NewsClick by Chinese interests has also been criticized for its potential role in eroding India's democratic ethos. The letter states, “Under the guise of upholding free speech, organizations like NewsClick have consistently challenged the very principles they claim to uphold.”

A point of considerable concern is the seeming alignment of opposition parties with narratives pushed by such media entities. The letter harshly critiques the opposition for supporting an organization that has allegedly been funded by China and has challenged India's democratic regime. The letter goes on to suggest that the narrative portrayed by NewsClick regarding events like the Rafale fighter jet deal and the stance taken by some opposition parties might not just be a happenstance but a carefully orchestrated campaign.

Furthermore, the letter highlights the discrepancy between the actions of a few media houses and the dedication of countless grassroots media personnel who work tirelessly to bring the truth to light. The signatories point out that these malicious activities are not only an affront to genuine media professionals but also detrimental to the nation's democratic fabric.

In a compelling conclusion, the letter likens the individuals involved not to leaders of thought and opinion but as dealers in deceit. They aren't the revered columnists, shaping public opinion, but are instead likened to 'fifth columnists' - a reference to undercover agents working against a nation's interests.

The letter finally stresses on the urgent need to unveil this seeming anti-national, anti-democratic, and ironically anti-free press agenda. It pleads for immediate and high-level intervention to gauge the depth of this purported anti-India conspiracy. The signatories emphatically demand an inquiry to bring these alleged conspirators to justice, reinforcing the sentiment that treachery should never be tolerated, especially in a nation as diverse and democratic as India.

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