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Close view of sculpture of Kurmavatara (tortoise incarnation of Vishnu), Garhwa, Allahabad District - 1875

Devtas were filled with energy and the curse of Saint Durvasa was lifted. Mohini then assumed her original form- the form of Lord Vishnu. Asuras were surprised to see this as they had been deceived and there was no nectar left for them
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Sculpture
Close view of sculpture of Kurmavatara
Close view of sculpture of Kurmavatara

Photograph of a sculpture of Kurmavatara (tortoise incarnation of Vishnu), from Garhwa, Allahabad District, taken by Joseph David Beglar in the 1870s.

At Garwa there is a pentagonal-shaped compound inside which are the remains of a temple and other structures, many of which are now un-identifiable. The earliest remains date to the Gupta period however the site was occupied for several centuries.

This is attested to by the many different styles of sculpture that have been found inside the compound. In this photograph, the broken piece was part of a frieze depicting the legend of the churning of the milk ocean.

Vishnu, under the shape of the tortoise Kurma, holds firmly the base of the mount Meru used by the demons and gods as a rod and Vasuki the serpent as the rope to churn the ocean to obtain the amrita or elixir of immortality.


Kurma (Sanskritकूर्मKurma, 'Turtle', 'Tortoise'), is one of the 10 Avatar (incarnations) of the Hindu God Vishnu. Originating in Vedic literature such as the Yajurveda as being synonymous with the Saptarishi called Kasyapa, Kurma is most commonly associated in post-Vedic literature such as the Puranas with the legend of the churning of the Ocean of Milk, referred to as the Samudra Manthan. Also synonymous with Akupara, the World-Turtle supporting the Earth, Kurma is listed as the second Dashavatara, which are the ten principal incarnations of Vishnu.

The gods and the asuras (demons, or titans) cooperated in the churning to obtain amrita, the elixir of immortality. The great serpent Vasuki offered himself as a rope, and Mount Mandara was torn out for use as a churning stick. A firm foundation was required to steady the mountain, so Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and supported the churning stick on his back. An earlier reference to a divine incarnation as a tortoise identifies the animal with Prajapati (the god Brahma), who took that shape in order to create offspring.

The Kurma avatar of Vishnu is usually represented in painting and sculpture in a mixed human-animal form. The human half, which is the upper half, is depicted wearing the same ornaments and holding the same weapons as in the usual images of Vishnu. Kurma is also represented zoomorphically, as a tortoise.

Lord Vishnu incarnated Kurma Avatar

Lord Vishnu incarnated Kurma Avatar in Sat - Yug to help devtas from Asuras. Though Devtas and Asuras were cousins, they were at war all the time. Day by day the tension between Devtas and Asuras grew and as a result gods were losing their strength due to the extreme curse* that was given to them by Saint Durvasa. As a result of that devtas were on the verge of defeat as they were helpless and their forces were dead in large numbers. They approached Lord Brahma and pleaded for help. Brahmaji meditated for a while and then said, “Let’s take refugee in Lord Vishnu. He always helps those who have faith in him.”

Lord Vishnu advised them, “To defeat Asuras, you will have to strive hard and obtain Amrit (the nectar of immortality) by churning the ocean and that’s the only way out for you.”

Hearing this Indra asked lord Vishnu how could they churn an Ocean? Vishnu replied,” Churn the ocean of milk after adding medicines (all kinds of plants, grasses, herbs & creepers) into the ocean to get the Nectar of immortality. Use Mount Mandarachal as a churning stick & Vasuki (king of serpents) as a rope to turn the mountain”. But one more question arose how can devtas move mount Mandarachal alone?

Lord Vishnu said, ” Take help of Asuras and use them to achieve your end, but REMEMBER you must be careful, however, not to desire any of the things that come out of the ocean and to give vent to anger if any of those things are forcibly taken away by asuras.”

“But what about the nectar, if Asuras took away that from us?” asked devtas. Lord Vishnu assured them that Asuras will not get the nectar. Convinced Brahma Ji returned to his abode while Indra & devtas went to meet BALI ( King of Asuras).

Seeing Indra unarmed and helpless Asuras ran towards him but Bali shouted,” No, let’s wait. Perhaps devtas have come with a proposal that might be worth our while.” Bali received Indra & other devtas with respect. Indra told Bali about their mission of arrival and requested them (Asuras) to forget the fight and work together to achieve the task.

In return, they decided to equally share the nectar of immortality that would be created by churning. Bali & his chiefs favored the proposal and peace were declared between them and they (Asuras) suggested that let’s not waste time and begin the task immediately.

Mount Mandarachal was needed as a churning rod. Strong warriors made efforts with their hordes in uprooting the mountain and carrying it to the ocean. But they barely had covered half the distance and they got tired and the mighty mountain fell, crushing large numbers of Devtas & Asuras under it. Seeing this Indra prayed to Lord Vishnu for his help.

Lord Vishnu came on Garuda (his mount) to save the Devtas. Lord Vishnu brought mountain Mandarachal to the ocean with the help of Garuda. When the mountain was placed in the ocean Vasuki came to the scene to play his role. Lord Vishnu addressed him by saying, “Play your role & you shall receive your share of nectar. The jagged surface of Mount Mandarachal will not hurt you at all.”

Reassured Vasuki rounded himself around the mountain. With full of joyous anticipation Devtas & asuras started churning the ocean. But their joy soon turned into despair, as the heavy Mount Mandarachal, which had no support at the bottom started to sink into the ocean.

Lifting it out was a great problem. Devtas requested Vishnu once again for help and Vishnu said, “I’ll take the form of kurma (a tortoise) and hold the mountain on my back until the ocean is fully churned and nectar is obtained.” Vishnu became a tortoise and held the mountain on his back. 

At this point, Indra tricked asuras by asking them to stay on the tail side of the Vasuki serpent while churning the ocean. But Asuras suspected foul play in this and they themselves choose to be on the head side and told devtas to hold the tail side.

Soon Asuras learned that they have been deceived by Devtas as the poison coming from Vasuki’s mouth was weakening them. So to save themselves from this poison they began churning the ocean faster and this forceful churning first threw up the deadly poison HALAHAL, which was the concentration of all the impurities from the ocean. Its poisonous fumes choked all the humans, Devtas & Asuras.

Frightened at this few Devtas ran to Lord Shiva at Mount Kailash for help. God assured them that they need not fear as he will drink the poison. Lord Shiva collected the poison and swallowed it.

Once all the poison was removed from the ocean, devtas & Asuras resumed churning the ocean. As they continued churning fourteen magnificent treasures emerged from the ocean**, but Amrit (nectar) was no were in sight. Both the Devtas and Asuras were losing their patience. And finally from the ocean bed emerged- Dhanvantari with a pot of nectar in his hand.

Seeing this Asuras ran towards Dhanvantari & grabbed the pot of nectar from him and started fighting regarding who would take possession of that pot. Devtas watched this in dismay. But remembering Lord Vishnu’s command that they should not quarrel over whatever comes out of the ocean, they made no move. Vishnu became very pleased with devtas. He told Devtas, “Don’t be dejected, the greed of nectar has already divided Asuras and now I shall charm them with my powers & give you the nectar.”

Vishnu disguised himself as apsara – Mohini ( the most beautiful woman) and approached asuras. Asuras forgot about the nectar as they were mesmerized by her beauty.

“Who are you, beautiful lady?”, asked King Bali.

Mohini smiled and replied in a melodious voice, “I’m Mohini and I have come to distribute this Amrit among all of you.”

They were prepared to do anything she said. Vishnu, in the form of Mohini, said to them, “You must do as I ask you to do.” So infatuated were the Asuras that they entrusted the jar of nectar to her.

Mohini then said to the Asuras, “I will do so if you don’t question my actions.” Not knowing who she really was they agreed to her proposal. She then instructed, “Go ahead take bath & assemble in a row, Asuras in one row & devtas in the other row.”

When they had all assembled Mohini began serving nectar to Devtas first. Seeing this Asuras thought, “Mohini would be displeased unnecessarily if we object to it.”

Mohini kept asuras under her spell and she finished the pot of nectar by giving the whole nectar to the devas. But one of the Asura was watching this and thought something is fishy. He quietly sneaked into the rows of devtas and received his share of nectar. But before he could gulp it down Devtas identified him and Lord Vishnu in the form of Mohini threw his Sudharsan Chakra and killed him.  

Devtas were filled with energy and the curse of Saint Durvasa was lifted. Mohini then assumed her original form- the form of Lord Vishnu. Asuras were surprised to see this as they had been deceived and there was no nectar left for them. After finishing his task Lord Vishnu flew away on his Garuda.

The furious Asuras declared war with devtas. Devta- Asura's war on the seashore was a terrible one but Devtas who had drunk the nectar of immortality fought with asuras and drove them away.

In this avatar, Lord Vishnu revived the lost glory of those who were gentle and sought refuge in him and punished those who were aggressive and had no faith in him.

**Fourteen Treasures that came out of the ocean during churning were –

  1. Wish-fulfilling tree Kalpavriksha. Its branch bore every kind of fruit and flowers one wished for
  2. Wish-fulfilling cow Kamadhenu. The sages decided to take care of it. Its udders produced enough food to feed the whole universe
  3. Wish-fulfilling gem Chintamani. Some say Vishnu placed it on his crown. Others say that the Nagas (serpents) hid it, a fact not exactly known.
  4. Seven-headed flying horse Ucchaishrava. Bali, leader of the Asuras, took possession of this horse
  5. Six-tusked elephant Airavata. Indra made this beast his mount
  6. Conch - Panchajanya. The sacred Shankh
  7. Bow of king Saranga. It was given to the kings of the earth
  8. Beautiful nymph Rambha. She knew how to pleasure the senses in 64 different ways. She won Indra's heart so he carried her off to Amravati, the radiant city of Devtas
  9. Moon-god, Chandra. Every woman fell in love with him. He cast the spell of romance across the universe
  10. Goddess of wine Varuni. She became the wife of Varuna, the ocean god, and was loved by all creatures
  11. Physician Dhanvantari. An incarnation of Vishnu, the enemy of disease, he brought with him Ayurveda, the science of healing, and AMRIT (NECTAR)
  12. Goddess of fortune Sri. Everybody wanted to marry her, but she chose Vishnu. She placed Vaijayanti, the garland of eternal victory, around his neck
  13. Elixir of immortality Amrita. Asuras stole this much-sought-after drink. Vishnu, in form of enchantress Mohini, bewitched the demons so that while they admired her beauty, she poured the drink down the throats of Devtas
  14. Poison Halahal. Nobody wanted this lethal liquid. So Shiva drank it. The poison turned his neck blue and he is also known as NEELKANTH

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