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Monday, 1 July 2024 | 01:35 am

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MF Husain remembered today only because of controversial paintings he blatantly painted Hindu Gods and Goddesses nude in the name of ‘Indian modernism': A perverse Islamist under the veneer of ‘maverick’ artist

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Defending his art at the age of 91, Husain compared the Hindus in India with Hitler, whom he hated the most and had painted nude in one of his earlier paintings. "Hitler cracked down on artists when he came to power in Germany. And this is precisely what the right-wing forces are doing in India. These people are worse than Nazis and should be persecuted," he was quoted as saying

Independent investigative journalism page ‘The Hawk Eye’ reveals professional propaganda and social media campaign by Turkey-based organisation for Twitter storm over anti-India remarks alleging blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The Twitter storm was touched off by an Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood organisation called "International Organisation for the Support of the Prophet of Islam" (IOSPI) and received support from bigoted Muslims in the Gulf countries, as well as left-leaning liberals in India, including AltNews co-founder Mohammed Zubair

The eighth exodus of Kashmiri Hindus begins: With fear gripping the valley due to increased targeted killings of Hindus by Islamic terrorists, Hindu govt employees decide to leave the valley en masse

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The decision came soon after Islamic terrorists shot dead a Hindu bank manager in Kashmir's Kulgam district on Thursday

"Shut down encroached illegal Bhagya Lakshmi temple if Govt don't allow Namaz in Charminar mosque", says Congress leader Rashed Khan: Began a signature campaign at the Mecca Masjid near Charminar

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The ASI had protected the structure of the Charminar and prevented Namaz at the site around 2 decades back. There is a mosque on the second floor of the structure and 149 stairs have to be climbed to reach it

Status of women in the Muslim world - Army Chief of Bijapur Sultanate Afzal Khan and the tragic story of his 63 wives whom he murdered

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Have you ever heard of a brave Muslim army chief sending his 63 wives to the grave fearing his own death in the ensuing battle?

Innocent Young Muslim children are being taught ‘how to kill Hindus’: Radicalisation, hate, and bigotry are ruining another generation, hundreds of videos on social media where children are seen declaring their desire to kill 'kaafirs'

| Satyaagrah | Islam
We won’t go to Pakistan or Bangladesh, you have to live here as we say, or else we know how to make you live quietly, we will kill you even if we are attacked

‘Independent journalist’ Ranvijay Singh pulled up by NCPCR Chief for glorifying Islamic madarsas, says depriving children of education in the name of the madarsa is a violation of child rights

| Satyaagrah | Islam
NCPCR chief Priyanka Kanoongo had a heated debate with one Ranvijay Singh who identifies himself as 'independent journalist' over madarsa education

Story of Hamid Dalwai, a man who started the triple talaq movement, and why it is impossible to reform Islam: Objects of criticism include the morality of the life of Muhammad, the founder of Islam

| Satyaagrah | Islam
An ardent atheist and rationalist, Dalwai faced opposition from all quarters during his lifetime. Without any backing from political parties and organisations, he organised the first march of Muslim women in Mumbai demanding equal rights and scrapping of the talaq system

Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Ram Navami to Hindu rituals, peaceful community dawning skull caps, stone pelting, vandalizing and attacking Hindu is common: Quranic sanctions to ‘stoning’ the Satan and targeting Kaafirs

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Given that Islamists routinely resort to stone-pelting, whether it is in Kashmir or processions carried out on Hindu festivals elsewhere, can the indoctrination of bigotry, coupled with sanctions of the religious scriptures, be ruled out?

Girls justifying their protest are choosing to be ignorant of how Hijab is a symbol of Islamic fanaticism and female subjugation: If Islam takes precedence over education, the students should go to madarsas

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Countless women in Islamic countries have been murdered or jailed for it. 'Liberal' feminists argue often that it is a choice, but they will never speak about the brutal murders and honour killings of women who try not to remain under the veil