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Monday, 1 July 2024 | 01:01 am

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"Lost in shadows": In Kishanganj, a 17-year-old girl found hanging in a Madrasa courtyard, resembling suicide, family accuses Ahmed Raza of rape & murder, suspecting strangulation; Police actions against Raza and Mo Abbas ignite a rampant call for justice

"He was harassing our daughter a lot for the last two-four days. He also said on the phone that he will kill her after half an hour today. He killed her exactly after half an hour," father of the victim said.
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Kishanganj: Dead body of 17 year old girl found hanging from a tree in the courtyard of the Madrasa, family members accused of murder
Kishanganj: Dead body of 17 year old girl found hanging from a tree in the courtyard of the Madrasa, family members accused of murder

In a disturbing incident in Kishanganj, the life of a young girl was tragically cut short, leaving the local community in shock and sorrow. This heartbreaking event occurred in a village within the Paharkatta police station's jurisdiction, specifically on Thursday evening. What makes this situation even more alarming is the manner in which the girl, merely 17 years old and thus considered a minor, met her end.

According to reports from the scene, the girl was strangled, a violent act that ultimately led to her demise. Following this brutal assault and rape, her body was found hanging from a tree, a sight that no one should ever have to witness. This was not just a random or mysterious tragedy; the family of the deceased has come forward with a grave accusation. They believe that the girl's lover is responsible for her death, alleging that he was the one who strangled her.

But the family's concerns don't end there. They also suspect that after the girl was killed, her body was deliberately hung from the tree in an attempt to either cover up the murder or send a chilling message. This claim has understandably caused a significant uproar, not just among the girl's loved ones but also within the local community and law enforcement.

The revelation of these details has spurred a wave of activity within the police department. Officers and investigators are now deeply involved in looking into the matter, driven by the serious nature of the family's allegations and the cruel fate that befell the young girl.

Following the devastating discovery in the village of Damalbari-Bagalbari Masanabasti, under the Paharkatta police station's area, the story of the young girl found hanging from a tree in the Madrasa courtyard unfolds further. The grief-stricken family has pointed fingers at a young man from their village, accusing him of not just ending her life but also raping her prior to her death. The cloud of uncertainty regarding the rape will remain until the post-mortem report is revealed.

As the community reeled from the initial shock, Thursday evening saw an increased activity around the crime scene. SDPO Gautam Kumar arrived to take charge of the situation, signaling the start of an intensive investigation into the allegations of rape and murder by strangulation made by the girl's family. The tragic site, a mere kilometer from the girl's residence, now stands as a grim marker of the events that transpired.

According to the family, the girl had been missing since around 1 p.m. on Thursday, which raises questions about her movements and interactions in her final hours. They believe that to mask the heinous crime as a suicide, after rape, the accused brutally murdered the girl and then hanged her body from the tree. This act, if proven true, points to a chilling attempt to manipulate the scene and divert any suspicion away from the true nature of her death.

The incident, occurring around 1 o'clock on a fateful Thursday, has since been the focal point of grief, outrage, and a fervent demand for justice.

The father of the victim, amidst his profound sorrow, shared distressing details about the events leading up to his daughter's demise. He recounted how the accused, a young man from their own village known as Ahmed Raza, had been relentlessly harassing his daughter for several days. This harassment escalated to a dire threat issued over the phone, where the accused explicitly stated, "he would kill the girl today." He imposed a grim ultimatum on the family, saying, "If he does not marry her then he will kill the girl at any time." Such chilling threats underscore the peril the young girl faced in her final days.

Further distressing is the claim by the victim's family that she was abducted from near their home on Thursday, the same day her life was tragically cut short. This act of abduction wasn't unnoticed; family members emphasized that "the girl has been kidnapped from the house." Eyewitness accounts from villagers corroborate this, noting the presence of two men arriving on a motorcycle, an image that has now become a significant piece of this tragic puzzle. The accused, Ahmed Raza, has been firmly identified, with ties to the same village as the deceased, adding a layer of betrayal to the tragedy.

The victim's father, in a statement filled with despair and determination, recounted the accused's haunting words and actions. "He was harassing our daughter a lot for the last two-four days. He (the accused) has also said on the phone that he will kill her after half an hour today. He killed her exactly after half an hour. He has kidnapped her (the victim) from here. There were two men on his motorcycle. People in the village had seen it and they said there were two men," he said, painting a vivid picture of the moments leading up to the unfathomable loss.

Amidst this tragedy, the victim's father made a powerful declaration of his family's stand in the face of such devastating loss. "Until we get justice, we will not allow the dead body to be taken away. We want justice. Our everything was ruined. Today it happened to us, tomorrow it will happen to someone else. This should not happen to anyone. There should be justice for us." This statement not only serves as a cry for justice for his daughter but also as a warning and a plea to ensure no other family suffers as they have.

The victim's father, grappling with the loss of his daughter, suggested a horrifying detail that adds to the gravity of the incident. He believes that the physical state of his daughter's body indicated that "she had been forced," implying a brutal rape before her life was cruelly ended.

Ahmed Raza has been named as the accused in this heart-wrenching case. The victim's sister provided a chilling account of the events leading up to the tragedy. She recalled receiving a phone call from Raza around 12 o'clock, where he issued a stark ultimatum: if the family did not agree to marry the girl to him, he would take her life. This wasn't an isolated threat; the accused made this call "three times," each one echoing the same dire warning.

Further complicating the narrative, the victim's sister highlighted a crucial detail about the accused's intentions and actions. Despite his persistent harassment and threats, "the accused boy did not even once send Rishta to her house." This lack of formal proposal underscores the one-sided nature of Raza's obsession, especially given that the family acknowledged the girl was involved in a relationship with someone else. Yet, Raza continued to harass her, disregarding her wishes and autonomy.

The victim's mother also confirmed the chilling interactions with the accused. She recounted a conversation where Raza expressed his desire to marry her daughter. When she refused his proposal, Raza ominously warned "that if those people did not get their daughter married then the consequences would not be right." This threat now echoes hauntingly in the aftermath of the young girl's murder, highlighting the accused's refusal to accept the family's decision and his willingness to act on his threats.

Amidst the sorrow, the victim's mother has voiced a harrowing concern that mirrors the dark suspicions held by the family. She fears her daughter may have been subjected to a brutal rape before her life was cruelly taken. With a heavy heart, she acknowledged that "only the post-mortem report will reveal whether his daughter was assaulted or not."

In a resolute stand against the gravity of the crime, the mother has called for swift action from the authorities. She has demanded the immediate arrest of the accused, Ahmed Raza, asserting that the family will not permit the removal of their daughter's body until justice begins to take its course. This firm stance underscores not only the depth of the family's grief but also their determination to see the perpetrator held accountable.

In a village of Paharkatta police station area of ​​Pothia district, a minor girl was raped and murdered in broad daylight and her body was hanged

SDPO Gautam Kumar, overseeing the investigation, shared preliminary insights that lend a grim clarity to the situation. He indicated that it appears the minor was strangled by her lover, an act marked by the symbolic use of a scarf around her neck. This detail not only points to a deliberate act of violence but also raises the specter of a premeditated murder. Kumar noted, "The family members suspect that there is also a possibility of rape. That's why we are investigating on all points. This will be revealed only after the post mortem report comes." This acknowledgment highlights the multifaceted nature of the investigation, aiming to uncover the full scope of the tragedy.

In response to the accusations and the community's outcry, law enforcement has intensified efforts to bring the accused to justice. "Raids are being conducted to arrest the accused. We will catch the accused as soon as possible," SDPO Kumar stated, reflecting the urgency and seriousness with which the police are approaching the case. Meanwhile, the victim's father has taken legal action, filing a case against Ahmed Raza and two others for the rape and murder of his daughter. The police have duly registered this case, marking the beginning of an official investigation aimed at uncovering the truth and ensuring justice is served.

As the accused remains at large, the village is abuzz with discussions, speculation, and a collective yearning for resolution. 

A police officer involved in the case has shared insights, suggesting that the tragic incident "seems to be a case of love affair." In their quest to uncover the full truth, authorities have committed to a thorough examination, stating that "the body will be sent for post-mortem and the police will investigate on all points including assault." This detailed investigation is crucial in piecing together the events leading to the girl's death and determining the exact cause.

In a decisive move to bring those responsible to account, the police have initiated "raids to arrest the accused." This action demonstrates the law enforcement's commitment to ensuring justice is served, reflecting the seriousness with which they are approaching this case.

Amidst these efforts, the victim's father has taken a significant step by filing an FIR against two individuals believed to be connected to his daughter's tragic demise. This legal action underscores the family's pursuit of justice and their determination to see the perpetrators held accountable.

The police's dedication to solving this case is evident from their recent success in apprehending one of the accused. On March 8, they managed to arrest Ahmed Raza, a key figure named in the FIR. This arrest marks a crucial milestone in the investigation, offering a glimmer of hope that justice may be within reach. However, the quest for complete accountability continues, as the search for another named accused, Mo Abbas, is actively underway. Both suspects hail from Masna Basti Bagalwadi village, linking them directly to the community affected by this tragedy.


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