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"Do we have Supreme Court": I.N.D.I Alliance leader A Raja goes on anti-Hindu rant, "India is not a nation. I am an enemy of Ram. One Kuravar brother, one Hunter brother, one monkey brother, another monkey 6th brother, then your Jai Sri Ram. Chi! Idiots"

"If this is your Jai Sri Ram, if this is your Bharat Mata Ki Jai, we will never accept that Jai Sri Ram and Bharat Mata. Tamil Nadu won’t accept. You go and tell, we’re enemies of Ram", A Raja said
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Politics
India not a nation, idiots chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’, we are enemies of Ram, Lord Hanuman was a monkey: I.N.D.I. Alliance leader A Raja goes on anti-Hindu rant
India not a nation, idiots chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’, we are enemies of Ram, Lord Hanuman was a monkey: I.N.D.I. Alliance leader A Raja goes on anti-Hindu rant

In a speech that has sparked widespread controversy, A Raja, a leader from the DMK party, delivered a series of striking comments during a gathering meant to celebrate Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin's 71st birthday. The event, which took place on Sunday, 3rd March, was not just a birthday celebration but also an occasion to highlight the achievements of the DMK government under the theme, "Dravidiam Model Government: Everything to Everyone."

A Raja's speech took a sharp turn as he launched into what has been described as an anti-Hindu tirade. "Indians who chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ are idiots," he declared, further adding that "India is not a country." His remarks did not stop there; he went on to make provocative statements about religious figures and even insulted the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the people of Manipur, sparking a fiery debate across the nation.

The response to Raja's comments was swift and severe. Amit Malviya, the BJP’s IT Cell chief, vehemently criticized Raja for his remarks. Malviya expressed his dismay, stating, "The hate speeches from DMK’s stable continue unabated. After Udhayanidhi Stalin’s call to annihilate Sanatan Dharma, it is now A Raja who calls for Balkanisation of India, derides Bhagwan Ram, makes disparaging comments on Manipuris and questions the idea of India, as a nation." He pointed out the silence from the Congress and other partners of the I.N.D.I. Alliance, highlighting that Rahul Gandhi, their prime ministerial candidate, has not commented on the issue, which Malviya suggests speaks volumes.

This incident has reignited discussions on the political landscape and the use of religious sentiments in political discourse. A Raja's statements, as reported by The Commune Magazine, have not only raised eyebrows but have also led to a broader conversation about the tone and content of political speeches, the role of religion in politics, and the implications for communal harmony in India. The event, intended to showcase the accomplishments of the DMK government, has instead turned into a flashpoint for heated debates on religious tolerance, political rhetoric, and the fabric of Indian nationalism.

A Raja’s attack on PM Modi

In a continuation of his controversial speech, DMK leader A Raja turned his critical eye towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi, levelling serious accusations about the intertwined fortunes of businessman Adani and Modi's political career. Raja boldly claimed, "There is a man named Adani. He was in 110th place before he (PM Modi) became the Minister. Where? In Gujarat, When Modi became the Prime Minister, he came to the 66th position, and in 10 years he became the richest man in the world. How did it happen? No one knows. Everyone thought that he earned as much as he could. Who invited him to all the places and bought a contract? It is truly Modi."

This statement suggests a direct correlation between Modi's ascent to power and Adani's financial growth, insinuating a favoritism that Raja implies has unfairly propelled Adani to his current status as one of the world's wealthiest individuals. The undertones of cronyism in Raja's assertion have stirred up a hornet's nest of debate and speculation.

To further back his claims, Raja referenced the Hindenburg report, which has been widely disputed. Yet, he underscored the prevalence of "Allegations and counter allegations" in public life, seemingly to underline the chaotic and accusatory nature of politics. Additionally, he did not shy away from labeling PM Modi as a fraud, a severe accusation that adds another layer of controversy to his already contentious speech.

Raja also broached the sensitive subject of the Gujarat riots, leveraging the now-banned BBC documentary as a point of critique against Modi. He painted a grim picture of the events that unfolded in Gujarat, stating that "Muslims were slaughtered like animals and Muslim women were raped." He criticized the central government's decision to ban the documentary, expressing frustration over the lack of response from Modi regarding the documentary's allegations, despite inquiries made in Parliament. "[BBC] put everything in a document in film. It ran for 5 hours. Will it run for 5 hours? Yes, it ran. They have banned it. They banned the broadcast. We asked about it in Parliament. We asked him to tell us whether it was true or false, but he never came. Modi did not open his mouth until the end, he blocked it," Raja recounted, highlighting his perception of evasion and censorship by Modi and his administration.

‘We are enemies of Ram’ said A Raja

In a continuation of his controversial speech, A Raja, the DMK leader, turned his focus towards Hindu deities and the religious sentiments of their followers. He boldly stated, “Say that love is God. Say that God is there in the humanity shown between individuals. Say that God’s abode is a heart with no ill intentions. Say that you can see God in a poor person’s smile. For such a God neither we, nor Kalaignar, nor Anna nor Periyar don’t have any anger! But if you say this is the God. If this is your Jai Sri Ram, if this is your Bharat Mata Ki Jai, we will never accept that Jai Sri Ram and Bharat Mata. Tamil Nadu won’t accept. You go and tell, we’re enemies of Ram.”

A Raja's rejection of Hindu deities and symbols of national pride was clear and unequivocal. His speech took a more personal tone as he delved into his own beliefs regarding one of Hinduism's most revered epics. "I don’t have faith in Ramayana, and lord Ram," he confessed, referencing a version of the Ramayana known as the Kamba Ramayana, a classical Tamil rendition of the epic. A Raja expressed his disdain for the narrative that promotes unity and brotherhood among diverse beings in the Ramayana. "If you say that in the name of the Ramayana is human harmony, where four brothers are born as siblings, one Kuravar as a brother, one Hunter as a brother, another monkey as another brother, another monkey as the 6th brother, then your Jai Sri Ram is Chi! Idiots!" he exclaimed, dismissing the concept with a derogatory term.

This part of his speech highlights a fundamental disagreement with the interpretation of religious texts and the veneration of deities that are central to many. A Raja's comments not only challenge the religious sentiments of a large section of the population but also raise questions about the nature of belief, the interpretation of sacred texts, and the role of religion in public life.

‘India is not a nation’

In a speech that has become a focal point of heated discussions, A Raja, a prominent leader of the DMK, escalated his series of provocative statements by challenging the very notion of India as a nation. "India is not a nation. Understand this well. India was never a nation. One nation means one language, one tradition and one culture. Then only it is one nation. India is not a nation but a subcontinent. What’s the reason? Here, Tamil is one nation and one country. Malayalam is one language, one nation and one country. Oriya is a nation, a language and a country. All these nations make up India. So, India is not a country it is a subcontinent. There are so many traditions and cultures. If you come to Tamil Nadu, there’s a culture. In Kerala, there’s another culture. In Delhi, there’s another culture. In Oriya, there’s another culture. Why in Manipur, as RS Bharathi said, do they eat dog meat? Yes, it is true, they eat. That’s a culture. There’s nothing wrong. It’s all in our mind."

Raja's assertion takes a direct aim at the conventional definitions of nationhood, arguing that India's immense diversity in languages, traditions, and cultures makes it more of a subcontinent than a single nation. His mention of various Indian states as separate nations within a subcontinent underscores a viewpoint that India's strength lies in its diversity, not in uniformity.

Furthermore, A Raja referenced cultural practices, such as the consumption of dog meat in Manipur, to illustrate his point about the varied cultural norms across the country. By doing so, he aimed to highlight the mosaic of cultural identities that comprise India, suggesting that attempts to homogenize these identities under a single nationalistic banner overlook the richness of India's cultural plurality.

Moreover, A Raja's history of making contentious statements, especially concerning Hinduism and national identity, is evident in his comparison of Sanatan Dharma to diseases with social stigma in September 2023. "Sanatan Dharma should be compared to diseases with social stigma like HIV and leprosy," he claimed, reinforcing his position as a polarizing figure in Indian politics.

Back in November 2023, DMK’s Organizational Secretary RS Bharathi while hitting out at Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi had said “The people of Nagaland eat dog meat. If someone who eats dog meat themselves has so much self-respect that they chased away this governor, then imagine how much self-respect Tamils, who consume food with salt, would have.”

Coming back to the speech of DMK MP A. Raja, he drew a parallel between the culinary practices in the north-eastern states, where dog meat is consumed, and those in other regions, using the analogy of how water from the same source can be perceived differently when used in the kitchen versus in the toilet.

From the water tank, water comes to the kitchen. We will use the water in the kitchen. Same water from the water tank comes in toilet but we won’t use it from there. What’s the reason? We’re having a problem psychologically. Water is the same but there’s a difference from where it comes. We acknowledge both. That’s toilet and this is kitchen. Similarly, in Kashmir there’s a culture. Acknowledge it. In Manipur, people eat dog meat, acknowledge it. If a community eats beef, what is your problem? Did they ask you to eat? So, unity in diversity. We’ve differences. Acknowledge it.

While peddling canards about the BJP wanting to throw away Constitution, the DMK MP A. Raja also made seditious comments saying Tamil Nadu would secede from India if BJP comes to power.

“PM Modi asserts that there will be no DMK in Tamil Nadu after elections. If DMK is not there after elections, there won’t be India. Beware! You playing a game is it? I’m not joking. Constitution of India saying ‘We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, secular, socialist, republic, democratic republic’. This is the first line of the Constitution. They want to thrown away this Constitution. Why did I say India won’t be there? If you come to power again, Constitution won’t be there. If Constitution is not there, India won’t be there. If India is not there, Tamil Nadu won’t stay as Tamil Nadu and we will secede. Does India want this?”

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