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"Strategic stealth": In a cloak-and-dagger op, Modi's solo meeting with Kovind ignited the spark to revoke Article 370, with Shah's stealthy coordination, a historic twist unfolded, altering Jammu and Kashmir's fate in India's annals of secrecy & strategy

The Prime Minister, leveraging the element of surprise, ventured to introduce the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019, in the Rajya Sabha
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How PM Modi Scripted 'Stealth' Plan to Scrap Special Status
How PM Modi Scripted 'Stealth' Plan to Scrap Special Status

In a maneuver that reads like a plot from a mystery thriller, the Times of India has unveiled a narrative that feels more cinematic than political. Late in the evening of August 4, 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a journey to the Rashtrapati Bhavan, but this was no ordinary visit. Unlike his usual appearances, he arrived not with the pomp of a carcade and retinue but in a singular, unassuming vehicle. This deviation from the norm wasn't just a matter of preference but a calculated step in a covert operation that would shock both allies and adversaries alike.

At the heart of Modi's clandestine visit was a conversation with President Ramnath Kovind that would set the stage for a bold and controversial move: the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status, a privilege enshrined by the now-infamous Article 370. This decision was not merely administrative but a strategic play, shrouded in secrecy to outmaneuver the staunch opposition that had long promised to thwart any attempts by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to alter the region's unique standing.

The audacity of this plan cannot be understated. The Prime Minister, leveraging the element of surprise, ventured to introduce the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019, in the Rajya Sabha. This choice was fraught with risk, given the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance's lack of a majority in the house, contrary to the Lok Sabha where they stood unchallenged. This gambit was not just a test of political will but a testament to Modi's willingness to navigate the treacherous waters of legislative politics to achieve his government's objectives.

The decision to enact the "stealth" strategy by introducing the legislation in the Rajya Sabha first was not just a tactical move but a deeply thought-out chess play. Modi recognized that unveiling the plan in the Lok Sabha would have been akin to sounding the alarm for the opposition, who, with their numbers, could have easily marshaled forces in the Rajya Sabha to halt the initiative.

This part of the story, which feels ripped from the pages of a political thriller, reveals the lengths to which Modi went to uphold one of the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) core vows. The details of this secretive operation, akin to a covert mission, have been confirmed by official sources and are set to be dramatized in the upcoming film 'Article 370'. This revelation adds layers to the understanding of the political maneuver, illustrating not just the execution but the profound commitment behind it.

The timing of this bold move is particularly telling. Coming shortly after Modi's landslide victory that cemented his second term, it underscored his dedication to a promise that has been central to the BJP's ideology since its foundation—the complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir into India. This action was not merely for political gain; it was a fulfillment of a longstanding pledge, a testament to Modi's vision for the nation's unity. The decision could have been delayed, strategically placed closer to another significant electoral battle to maximize political dividends. Yet, the choice to act swiftly, to prioritize national integration over potential political advantage, highlights a rare form of leadership, one that is willing to undertake risks for what it perceives as the greater good.

In the unfolding drama of national strategy and political maneuvering, the government's narrative finds further validation in the aftermath of the decision to abrogate Article 370. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi's script coming to life through decisive action by Home Minister Shah, the effects of this bold move have been observed across various facets of Jammu and Kashmir's socio-economic landscape.

The government points to a significant reduction in terror-related incidents within the region as a clear indicator of the positive impact of their decision. This drop in violence has not only improved the security situation but also paved the way for a resurgence in tourism, a vital artery for the region's economy. The steep rise in tourist arrivals post-decision is touted as a testament to the newfound peace and stability in the area. Moreover, the Gross State Domestic Product has reportedly doubled, further underscoring the economic rejuvenation that has followed the controversial yet historic move.

Adding a layer of cinematic drama to this narrative, the upcoming film 'Article 370' is set to depict a scene that has captured the imagination of many and remained a topic of hushed discussions in the corridors of power. The scene features Yasin Malik, a terrorist who had evaded capture for decades despite being the prime accused in numerous high-profile cases. In a moment charged with symbolic justice, Malik is depicted being apprehended by a woman officer of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), an act that, until now, has been more myth than reality, discussed only in the officer's mess of agencies.

PM Modi travelled alone in an unremarkable car without the mandatory carcade to meet President on the evening of Aug 4,2019

The ‘Secret’ Operation Behind Government’s Move to Scrap Article 370

In an article published by the Hindustan Times on June 11, 2020, readers were given a glimpse into the cloak-and-dagger efforts that paved the way for one of the most significant political maneuvers of recent times: the abrogation of Article 370. This operation, executed with a level of secrecy reminiscent of a spy novel, saw the Indian government take decisive steps toward altering the constitutional and political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir.

The critical pieces of legislation that would ultimately lead to the scrapping of Article 370 were introduced by Home Minister Amit Shah in the Rajya Sabha on a Monday. By Tuesday evening, in a swift turn of events that few could have anticipated, these resolutions and bills were passed. This rapid progression from introduction to passage underscored the efficiency and secrecy that characterized the entire operation.

The Hindustan Times delved into the depths of this secretive endeavor through interviews with a host of government officials, BJP leaders, and various functionaries. These conversations revealed that the bulk of the preparatory work for this landmark decision was conducted away from the usual government locales. Rather than taking shape within the confines of the Home Ministry and the Law Ministry's offices in North Block and Shastri Bhawan, the operation was centered around a more discreet location.

In an unexpected twist, it was discovered that files, documents, reference materials, and other pertinent papers were funneled to Amit Shah’s ground floor office within the Parliament complex. Here, the seasoned Gujarat politician dedicated hours that stretched well past midnight, meticulously shaping the final version of the bill that would not only divide the state into two separate Union territories but also render Article 370 inoperative.

Amit Shah's commitment to the cause saw him turning his Parliament office into a command center, where the fate of Jammu and Kashmir was silently but decisively rewritten.

"Shah remained in his Parliament office well past midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to work out the details of the move and make it fool-proof so as to withstand any legal scrutiny in the possible scenario of it being challenged before a court of law," a source revealed. This marathon of planning sessions underscored not just the operational secrecy but also the anticipation of legal battles that lay ahead.

While the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) convened a training session for its Members of Parliament over the weekend, Shah, despite being a first-time MP himself, dedicated the majority of his time to the cause. His Parliament office became a revolving door for senior officials from the security establishment and the legal luminaries of the government. Together, they scrutinized every aspect of the proposed move, ensuring that no stone was left unturned in making the legislation impervious to challenges.

A lifeline of communication was kept open, with a direct phone line to the Solicitor General of India, Tushar Mehta, ensuring that legal counsel was but a call away. This constant connectivity to one of the nation's top legal minds highlights the meticulous attention to detail and the high stakes involved in the operation.

Throughout these intense days of preparation, Shah's dedication was such that even his meals were brought to him at Parliament, underscoring the relentless pace and the weight of the task at hand. This period of unwavering focus and strategic planning laid the groundwork for a move that would not only stand the test of legal scrutiny but also mark a turning point in India's constitutional history.

In the weeks leading up to a pivotal moment in India's legislative history, a veil of utmost secrecy enshrouded the plans to amend the constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir. This operation was so clandestine that only two figures within the government were privy to its details: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. The circle of those informed expanded slightly on the Friday evening before the announcement, marking the beginning of a new chapter in India's governance.

"For weeks ahead of that, the only two people in government who knew of this were Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Shah; word went out to other stakeholders only on Friday evening," disclosed an insider involved in the planning. 

The groundwork for such a monumental decision had been laid earlier, with proposals to abolish Article 35-A being considered towards the end of Modi's first term. However, it was the decisive victory and the reinforced mandate in the subsequent elections that emboldened the government to take a more radical step. The administration resolved not only to make Article 370 inoperative but also to reconfigure Jammu and Kashmir as a Union Territory, a move that signified a bold reimagining of the region's future.

To ensure the legislative success of this daring initiative, a strategic extension of the Parliament session until August 7 was orchestrated.

"A decision to extend the session of parliament till August 7 was taken with the aim to get these bills passed," the source added, highlighting the logistical acumen that underpinned the government's approach.

With the legislative pieces poised for introduction, the government also meticulously crafted a contingency plan to address the potential repercussions of these transformative measures.

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and Railways Minister Piyush Goyal were tasked with managing the proceedings in the House, ensuring everything went according to plan. To solidify support for the move, Shah's aide, Himanta Biswa Sarma, was specifically assigned to gather backing, a task at which he succeeded, as indicated by the resignation of the chief whip of the Congress in the Rajya Sabha, Bhubaneswar Kalita.

On a critical day, Social Justice Minister Thawarchand Gehlot, who also serves as the leader of the house in the Rajya Sabha, was instructed to stay in the House throughout the proceedings. His office became a strategic hub, or a "war room," where Shah, Sarma, and Solicitor General Tushar Mehta coordinated efforts to address any issues that might arise during the day.

This meticulous planning and coordination among key ministers and officials were instrumental in the government's ability to navigate the legislative process and manage the challenges of revoking Article 370.

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