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Saturday, 28 September 2024 | 10:35 pm

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| Satyaagrah | Education
The entire foundation of the Mughal Economy was that of slavery — something intrinsic to Islamic religion itself. It has been a common trend in every Islamic Empire till date. Alauddin Khilji had as many as 50,000 slaves alone
| Satyaagrah | Education
A large number of teachers sent their suggestions. NCERT received around 2,500 suggestions and of those 1,300 are found to be correct. NCERT is going to update the books and the process is likely to be done before the start of the next academic session. Also, a new portal has been created which will help schools order the books and it will ensure timely supply
| Satyaagrah | Education
The arrival in the port of London of Indian produce in India-built ships created a sensation among the monopolists which could not have been exceeded if a hostile fleet had appeared in the Thames. The ship-builders of the port of London took the lead in raising the cry of alarm; they declared that their business was on the point of ruin, and that the families of all shipwrights in England were certain to be reduced to starvation
| Satyaagrah | Education
As per the IIM-A website, ‘Lessons from Bhagawad Gita suggest powerful ways to promote management practices that are consistent with the business model and yet ethical’
| Satyaagrah | Education
While LGBT activists might be quick to level allegations of 'homophobia' or 'transphobia' at concerned citizens who are not onboard with the agenda, the fact that people would not want children to be exposed to sexual politics at a young age is a critical concern that cannot be ignored entirely
| Satyaagrah | Education
The document has been pulled down from the NCERT website but the controversy surrounding it has still not died. One of the major figures in this controversy has been an individual called Vikramaditya Sahai (or Vqueeram, preferred pronouns are They/Them)
| Satyaagrah | Education
After Hindu IT Cell contacted St. Mary's Public School in Tohana in Haryana protesting against the derogatory Ramleela skit, the school administration issued an apology
| Satyaagrah | Education
Commenting on the need for such a subject, a senior university official said, “We have references of military sciences and military strategies in Vedic literature that are not brought into the knowledge and practice as of now. It is necessary for the students to study Hindu military science and strategy through the curriculum”
| Satyaagrah | Education
सर्वेक्षणों से प्राप्त डेटा के अनुसार वर्ष 1825 के आस पास, शाला में जाने वाले विद्यार्थियों की संख्या थी 1,75,089, इनमें से मात्र 24.25% ब्राह्मण विद्यार्थी थे, अन्य सवर्ण जाति 11%, बचे हुए (शूद्र तथा अन्य पिछड़ी जाति) 57.75% एवं मुस्लिम विद्यार्थियों की संख्या 7% थी
| Satyaagrah | Education
A nation which wants to forget about itself and imitate other nations cannot redeem itself but is on the path of self-destruction. The regression is there in our nation at present. And if we truly do not want to weaken ourselves as a nation, we need to extricate our educational system out of its Macaulayian traits