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"Hate is too great a burden to bear": As India strides towards development, IIT Delhi's Prof. Divya Dwivedi incites anger, calling for the wiping out of Hinduism at the global G20 Summit, fostering division rather than appreciating the nation's progress

The IIT Professor stirred controversy in 2019 when during a television debate on NDTV she spread similar vitriol against Hinduism
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IIT Delhi professor Divya Dwivedi calls for wiping out Hinduism from India at G20, had earlier called Hinduism a false religion
IIT Delhi professor Divya Dwivedi calls for wiping out Hinduism from India at G20, had earlier called Hinduism a false religion

In a nation teeming with vibrant hues of development and unity, the early morning hours unveiled a murky canvas painted with allegations of scandal and divisive rhetoric. In a shocking twist in the Indian political narrative, the seasoned politician, N Chandrababu Naidu, once the vigilant guardian steering the helm of Andhra Pradesh, found himself ensnared in the clutches of a major scandal, totalling a mind-boggling sum of ₹3,300 crore. As dawn broke, so did the news of his startling arrest, sending ripples of disbelief and dismay across the nation. This event, unquestionably, marked a dark and unforeseen turn in the annals of Indian politics.

But this tumultuous morning had yet another spectacle in store. Even as the country stood at the cusp of showcasing its burgeoning prowess on the global stage, a voice from the past resurfaced, rekindling a fire that seeks to divide the society, rather than unify it. Yes, we're talking about IIT Delhi professor Divya Dwivedi, who has apparently turned the prestigious G20 summit into a soapbox to propagate her skewed and divisive perspective on Hinduism and India. Dwivedi, no stranger to controversy, had fanned similar flames back in 2019 during a television debate on NDTV where she dubbed Hinduism as a "false religion", echoing her deep-seated prejudice.

As India rolled out the red carpet, graciously welcoming world leaders and dignitaries to the esteemed G20 Summit being hosted in the national capital on September 9 and 10, 2023, the nation watched in sheer disbelief as Dwivedi unabashedly used this significant occasion to showcase her blatant anti-Hindu and anti-India stance. This wasn't just a personal vendetta but seemed like a calculated attempt by a faction of the liberal brigade, who seemingly cannot see beyond their tinted perspective, marred by prejudice and loathing.

Dwivedi, an active contributor to various left-leaning media portals like The Caravan, Wire, and Scroll.in, couldn't resist the urge to express her disdain for Prime Minister Modi and the Hindu community at large. Speaking to the French media outlet, France 24, she painted a rather grim and distorted image of India, an image far removed from the progressive strides the nation has been making in various spheres.

In her narrative, she dreamt up two Indias - one bogged down by its past, characterized by "racialized caste order" and the oppression of the majority, and another, a Utopian future bereft of Hinduism and caste distinctions. According to her, this "future India" is eagerly awaiting its chance to reveal itself to the world, as if insinuating that the current state of affairs is nothing but a facade. “There are two Indias. Past India of racialized caste order oppressing the majority population and then there is the India of the future that is an egalitarian India without caste oppression and Hinduism. That is the India which is not yet represented but is waiting, longing for the world to show its visage to the world.”

But one wonders, in her zest to create divisions, has she overlooked the vibrant, inclusive, and developing India that stands united, seeking to forge a path of progress and harmony? Only time will reveal the true fabric of the nation, as it continues to weave a tapestry rich in diversity and unity, shunning the voices that seek to tear it apart.

As the dialogue progressed, the France 24 journalist, perhaps looking for a beacon of positivity amid the disheartening diatribe, brought forth a stirring narrative that resounded with hope and progress. He shared the story of an ordinary Indian rickshaw puller, a testament to the waves of positive change that are palpably sweeping across the nation. This humble individual expressed how the initiatives spearheaded by PM Modi, particularly the 'Digital India' movement, had become a powerful enabler, fostering connections that transcended geographical boundaries, helping him flourish in his business, and painting a vibrant canvas of a nation embracing the future with open arms.

With a narrative that seemed to echo the sentiments of many, the journalist probed the professor, earnestly seeking her insight on this beacon of positive change. He asked if the uplifting story of the rickshaw puller could be seen as a heartening glimpse of a future where India beams with progress and prosperity, where the "future is smiling upon India".

However, the hopes of witnessing a balanced discussion were dashed as Dwivedi, evidently blinded by an unyielding disdain for Modi and perhaps the narrative of a prosperous India, swiftly brushed aside the hopeful narrative as mere "mediatised anecdotes". This dismissal not only underscored her inability to acknowledge the strides India has taken but also mirrored the stance of several other leftist liberals and politicians who seem to revel in portraying India in a dim light on global platforms. Rahul Gandhi, a prominent figure from the Congress party, has notably engaged in similar disparagements, a trait that seems to be echoed fervently by Dwivedi.

With an unnerving persistence, she continued her tirade against the nation that is clearly striving to stand united in its journey towards growth and inclusivity. Unabated, she conjured up visions of an India still steeped in castism and discrimination, negating the commendable efforts that have been underway to eradicate these social evils.

But she didn't stop there. In a bid to further tarnish India's global image, she inferred that the nation was nothing more than a puppet theatre where only a select few from the upper caste wielded power, cornering lucrative positions and marginalizing not just the minorities but other communities like Dalits, Tribals, and lower-caste communities.

This perspective, tragically limited and skewed, seeks to undermine the transformative journey India has embarked upon; a journey of fostering unity, embracing diversity, and nurturing growth. As the nation stands on the cusp of a new era, it seems essential to look beyond the divisive narratives and recognize the internal forces that threaten to hold back the tidal wave of progress that is clearly on the horizon. The need of the hour is to stand united against such polarising voices and forge ahead, towards a future where India truly shines, not just for a few, but for every single one of its vibrant, diverse, and hopeful citizens.

In an exercise of sheer audacity, Dwivedi resolutely turned a blind eye to the gleaming narratives of progress and unity emerging from corners of India. Clinging desperately to a narrative that seemed more rooted in personal prejudice than empirical reality, she attempted to colour the entire Indian narrative with the bleak hues of caste-based discrimination and societal divides.

"Allow us to venture beyond these 'mediatised anecdotes' such as the one about the rickshaw puller and delve deeper into the underlying societal fabric of India, which according to her, has been marred by a rigid caste hierarchy for over 300 years," she pontificated with an air of unwarranted authority. Unyieldingly, she reiterated that a minuscule percentage of the upper caste continues to monopolize power and influential positions 'even today', her words ringing with a disturbing disregard for the multi-faceted reality of modern India.

At this juncture, the France 24 journalist tried to steer the conversation towards a more balanced and nuanced discussion, pointing out that discrimination, unfortunately, was a global issue and not confined to India alone. However, Dwivedi, seemingly entrenched in her vitriolic narrative, brushed aside this moment of clarity, quickly reverting to her relentless criticism of India and its government.

In a staggering display of prejudice, she alleged that an overwhelming majority of the Indian population has been subjected to systemic oppression and exclusion over millennia, under the guise of Hinduism, which she referred to as a "hoax". With no apparent regard for the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and philosophies that Hinduism encapsulates, she accused the current administration of emblemising this so-called hoax at various platforms, including the present conference, even attributing political undertones to the colours represented in the logo of the conference.

Not stopping at the disparagement of one of the world's oldest religions, Dwivedi directed her spite towards the BJP and its parent organisation, the RSS. In a sweeping declaration that left little room for nuance or understanding, she labelled the RSS as a fascist entity, purportedly championing the supremacy of the upper caste and serving the interests of a minority segment of the population.

As one sifts through the relentless waves of condemnation emanating from Dwivedi, it is vital to remember that India stands as a beacon of diversity and resilience in the modern world. At a time when the nation is fervently striving to foster unity, progress, and inclusivity, it is disheartening to witness individuals who seem to be driven more by personal vendetta than a genuine concern for societal well-being.

As we stand on the brink of a new dawn, let us choose to cast aside these divisive narratives, embracing instead the vibrant mosaic of cultures, philosophies, and traditions that make India truly incredible. Let us celebrate the tales of triumph and perseverance that resonate from every corner of this majestic land, transcending barriers and fostering a spirit of unity and harmony.

Divya Dwivedi and her anti-Hindu bigotry

In a tale as old as time, yet deeply unsettling in its implications, Divya Dwivedi seems to have cultivated a narrative that marries ignorance with malevolence, thereby weaving a story that seems hell-bent on stoking the flames of division and mistrust within the diverse tapestry of India.

Divya Dwivedi is a known name in academic circles, donning the hat of an assistant professor at IIT-Delhi, where she expounds on topics of philosophy and literature. Her academic contributions also include co-authoring a work exploring the life and perspectives of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. However, what stands out strikingly in her public persona is her unwavering dedication to painting Hinduism with broad strokes of hatred and bigotry, a quest she seems to have embarked upon with unsettling zeal.

In a flashback to 2019, Dwivedi stirred the pot of controversy during a televised debate on NDTV, where she unleashed a similar brand of venom against Hinduism. “Hindu Right is the corollary of the idea that India is a Hindu majority population and this is a false majority. The Hindu religion was invented in the early 20th century in order to hide the fact that the lower caste people are the real majority of India…” she thundered with an audacious claim that sought to rewrite centuries of history on a whim. The debate, centred around Gandhi and politics, became a canvas for her to paint a grotesquely distorted picture of Hinduism and its evolution.

Dwivedi went on to portray Gandhi, a figure revered for his role in India’s struggle for independence, as a puppet master in constructing this ‘false Hindu majority’ and a brand-new Hindu identity. “He was one of the many upper caste leaders who constructed this origin for this polity but today we must discard it…” she emphatically proclaimed, steering the conversation towards a divisive terrain that threatened to rip apart the fabric of India’s unified diversity.

In her relentless pursuit to undermine Hinduism, Dwivedi has ceaselessly sought to establish a narrative that paints the lower castes as recent entrants into the Hindu fold, manipulated by the upper castes into subscribing to the Hindu identity. This dangerous narrative not only disregards the rich and diverse history of Hinduism but also seeks to create a rift within the Hindu community, sowing seeds of discord and mistrust between various groups.

But let us not be swayed by such divisive narratives. The truth, as attested by centuries of rich history and cultural integration, paints a different picture. The so-called "lower castes" have indeed been an integral part of Hinduism, contributing immensely to its rich culture and religious practices. Their influence on Hindu tradition is not just significant but fundamental, creating a vibrant mosaic that forms the heart of India.

It is distressing to witness Dwivedi using her platform to perpetuate hatred and animosity towards Hindus, employing narratives that seem engineered to foster division within the Hindu society, especially targeting the harmony between the higher and lower castes. It is vital, now more than ever, to stand united in the face of such misleading narratives, to embrace the unity and diversity that has been the hallmark of Indian culture, and to reject those who seek to turn us against each other for their vested interests.

In conclusion, as India steers forward on its path of development, shrugging off the shackles of divisive politics and narratives, it is incumbent upon us to recognise the true "internal enemies" - those who seek to halt our progress by sowing seeds of discord and hatred. Let us forge ahead with unity, rejecting the toxic rhetoric and embracing the true spirit of India - one of harmony, diversity, and boundless potential.

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