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Why authorities ignoring conspiracy of Sexual objectification of Hindu women: #Hslut4Mstud Users on Reddit, Twitter and Tumblr are targeting Hindu women with pornographic content ‘for Muslim studs’

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Users in the Reddit, Twitter and Tumblr community posted images of Hindu girls with objectionable comments portraying them as sexual objects for Muslim men

16 Jan to 22 Jan - 2022 - Continuing attacks on Hindus: bulletin roundup of persecution, discrimination, and hate crimes against Hindus

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Most hate crimes are driven by anti-Hindu bigotry encoded in certain religious teachings and political ideologies

No evidence to tie Dinesh Yadav to violence, intention assumed based on him being Hindu: Anti-Hindu riots by Muslim community that shook the capital city of India and analysis of the conviction

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
While the Muslim organisations and the sympathisers of the rioters were rejoicing the conviction of a Hindu man, those who truly wanted to talk about the truth of the riots rued the inconsistencies in the two judgements passed days apart

Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan who brazenly displays Hindumisia by threatening Hindus using a scarier version of Enoch Powell’s infamous ‘rivers of blood’ speech, now threatens journalist during an interview: Mullah is also a Congress ally

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Maulana Tauqeer Raza gets riled up and starts threatening Aman Chopra who was perhaps one of the first TV anchors to ask him tough questions about the hate against Hindus that he seems to spread on a fairly regular basis

Our Sisters and Daughters has to face Hell just because we choose to ignore the reality ourselves - Of fear or favour, we need to understand the reason why Hindu women seldom speak out on the atrocities unleashed upon them in grooming jihad

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
How lopsided narratives on religious persecution built by popular media and 'liberal' voices don't let more Hindus speak up on the atrocities unleashed upon them

Tales of Fraud, funding, forced religious conversion and insulting Hindu gods and goddesses after brainwashing: How tribals were converted to Islam in Gujrat - “Aapka paigam London pahucha diya hai, achha kaam ho raha hai"

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Nirwa Mehta travels to the hinterlands of Gujarat to speak to the tribals who were lured to convert to Islam and how they were brainwashed to hate Hinduism and inspired to take up Jihad

Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said 'Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth' - Whitewashing a genocide – how the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits is being blamed on Hindus instead of on Islamists

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
The great cause of whitewashing of one of the most brutal stories of hatred, mass violence directed against a minority community in modern India, the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits

The true face of Saba Naqvi: How the ‘secular journalist’ supported Muslims acts of violence and fanaticism on Ram Sevaks in Sabarmati Express burning leading to gruesome killing of some 59 innocent people, including 25 women and 15 children

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Saba Naqvi followed Vir Sanghvi's observation on Godhra: "We ('secularists') shy away from the truth-that some Muslims committed an act that is indefensible- and resort to blaming the victims."

'Hinduon se Azadi', 'La ilaha illallah' and 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' slogans by Muslims was secular leading to Genocide of Kashmiri Pandit: Then and now, from Azadi slogans to Hindu hate, the nature of Jihad and its apologists remain unchanged

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Kashmiri Muslims have never been asked to adhere to secular values. Even after chanting 'Hinduon se Azadi', when Muslims make 'La ilaha illallah' (There is no God but Allah) the central slogan of their anti-CAA protests, it's the Hindus who are accused of bigotry if they find the latter slogan problematic

A sudden surge of Land Jihad in Gujrat is forcing Hindus and Jains to leave their homes resulting in localities to shift demography: A tale of two cities, Gopipura in Surat and Soni Falia in Bharuch

| Satyaagrah | Anti-Hindu
Some three years back, one of the girls who lived here was harassed. The family left the house within a week. Six months back, my own daughter faced harassment outside the temple