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Birth of our National Anthem: Original recording of 'Jana Gana Mana' performed by the Radio Symphony Orchestra of Hamburg, Germany, 1942 in the presence of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
The Radio Symphony Orchestra of Hamburg played the National Anthem' Jana Gana Mana' as the anthem of Free-India Centre along with the National Anthem of Germany. Free-India Centre was the predecessor of Azad Hind Fauj, set up by Netaji in 1943 in Singapore

Netaji, an Impossible man can never be boxed into an ideological corner: Not just the most enigmatic figure in world history but his life is also a tough lesson in how to think about history

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
It is perhaps fitting that Netaji’s death remains a mystery. For no definitive death could have done justice to the life that he lived. That of the impossible man

Genghis Khan's decision to not invade Bharat (land of fabulous wealth) has perplexed historians for centuries: Mystery revealed

| Satyaagrah | Diary
Mongolia’s ancient polytheistic belief system, which is called Tengrism in English, has interesting commonalities with Hindu Dharma. And Buddhism, which is another form of Hindu Dharma, has had a presence in Mongolia for nearly two thousand years

'Muh me ram bagal me chhuri' - Gandhi’s politics is hollow and noisy, full of treachery and deceit’: Read what Dr. Ambedkar said about the ‘Mahatma’

| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
The politics of Gandhi is hollow and noisy. It is the most dishonest politics in the history of Indian polity. Gandhi was the man responsible for eliminating morality from politics and instead introduced commercialism in Indian politics

Gandhi was created as 'Mahatma' by British Order in a  pre-independence Bharat on 2 Sept 1938 - A 'made to order' Mahatma, a Pied Piper for the Hindus

| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi is a European-truly, a Russian Christian in an Indian body. And there are some Indians in European bodies! Gandhi a European. Yes. When the Europeans say that he is more Christian than many Christians they are perfectly right.

'Mahatma' or 'Moron': Gandhi’s experiments with celibacy to attain nirvana state by bathing with women and sleeping with naked girls

| Satyaagrah | Diary
 Gandhi had never hidden his unusual experiments with women, he had disclosed the same to his close associates, many times through letters

Dewan Bahadur saheb was made to quit as a Speaker because he wasn't a Muslim: Tragedy of a Christian leader who backed Pakistan’s creation

| Satyaagrah | Diary
In 1942, Singha held a reception in Jinnah's honour and pledged his full support to the idea of Pakistan. In an infamous speech on a later occasion, he said, “At the time of partition of the sub-continent of India, in the entire country, the Christians should be counted with Muslims.”

Winning wars but losing the peace: Sri Krishna and Mahatma

| Satyaagrah | Diary
Quite clearly, the two chiefs of who headed the Indian army until December 1948, Sir Robert Lockhart and Sir Roy Bucher, were almost certainly in touch with their British counterparts heading the Pakistani forces.

Was Indira Gandhi a Soviet Agent - 100 Years of Russian Revolution

| Satyaagrah | Diary
The book claimed that even the personal office of the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, was deeply compromised and infiltrated by the Soviet secret agency. They were in a position to manipulate India at will.

At school Part I - An Indian Pilgrim (Netaji's Life and writings)

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
Considering everything, I should not send an Indian boy or girl to such a school now. The child will certainly suffer from a sense of maladaptation and from consequent unhappiness, especially if he or she is of a sensitive nature