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"A new era doesnt come from nothing. New thoughts, values, and methods will be established after overcoming various hurdles on the way": Crackdown on Radical Islam: Why the entire World leadership must follow Giorgia Meloni line of "God, family & country"

Unless, Biden-Modi-Putin-Truss-Trudeau-Macron-Scholz-Herzog-Others find an unity in the line of Meloni, even God Almighty will fail to save this civilization from making an Islamic state worldwide
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Politics
Crack down on Radical Islam: Why the entire World leadership must follow Giorgia Meloni line.
Crack down on Radical Islam: Why the entire World leadership must follow Giorgia Meloni line.

Europe and America including the other parts of the world are under the dangerous aggression of radical Islam.

Leaders of some of the Nations are thinking seriously about it. But the newly elected Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni surpasses all in this matter for being unequivocal to express the upcoming new govt policy to control radical Islam in her country.

Eminent scholar Tarek Fatah has shared a video of Giorgia Meloni on his Twitter account, in which Meloni is seen talking about the Muslims and Mosques policy to be implemented in Italy.

From the available video, it is known that Meloni wants to crack down on the growing Islamic fundamentalism in Italy.

“We are in Marciano, Umbria in an area where a new mosque is about to be built. We’re here to say no to the creation of new mosques. No mosque until we pass the new law regulating norms for citizens’ safety drafted by Brothers of Italy. We want a professional register for Imams to be instituted. We want to know what kind of people preach in mosques. We want all sermons to be given in Italian since we are in Italy and the official language is Italian so anyone can understand. And we want to know who funds these cultural centers and mosques. Because it’s no mystery that most centers are funded by fundamentalist countries like Qatar, and Saudi Arabia… countries where the death penalty is applied for apostasy, the death penalty is applied for homosexuality, stoning for adulterers, and zero rights for women. Well… it deals with the (Islamic) models we wouldn’t want to be advertised in our country. And we don’t want a law that establishes the crime of Islamic fundamentalism. Unfortunately, Islamic fundamentalism is a reality we face on a daily basis. We have seen that in recent weeks. We saw a person who was nearly slaughtered for wearing a cross, and evidently, someone was bothered by the fact that in Italy you can wear a cross. So, we are asking for more safety for our citizens and asking the government not to allow new mosques until our draft law is passed”. —– the video surfaced the statement of Giorgia Meloni.

As Meloni is able to find the right points about the aggression of Islam in her country which is really a threat to the safety of the Italian citizens, the same thing must be realized by the world leaders facing the Jihad reality in various forms causing danger to the human civilization.

Declaring an end to the dole policy, Melony was seen to be strictest to the Muslim immigrants and refugees in the country.

The most important thing is that she is going to end the minimum wage policy.

Her party says, Italians are paying taxes, and these Bangladeshi, Libyans, and Syrians are having fun under the minimum wages policy.

In addition to that, the policy of the Italian government for which it has been paying 700 euros per child, is about to close under new regulations.

The Brothers of Italy party says, “Italy is not a child-raising country that you keep giving birth to 10-12 children one after another and Italian tax money to you 700 euro per child we pay as a living allowance. Also, we are going to stop the unemployment allowance”.

The world is now facing a greater challenge to combat Radical Islam coming as avalanches to end the existence of all non-Muslims ceaselessly.

The standpoint and thinking of Meloni can change the scenario of Islamic aggression with success if the world leaders support the same to keep this word Jihad free.

As it poses a challenge for the survival of the non-Muslims (they say, infidel), the Hindu-Christian-Jew and all leaders should come together to fight against Jihadi Islam.

Unless Biden-Modi-Putin-Truss-Trudeau-Macron-Scholz-Herzog-Others find unity in the line of Meloni, even God Almighty will be unable to save this civilization from making an Islamic state worldwide.

Who is Giorgia Meloni?

Italy is the latest European country to vote for a far-right government. In a historic first Giorgia Meloni, the head of the Brothers of Italy party is set to become the first-ever woman Prime Minister of Italy. 

This will also be the country’s first far-right-led government since World War II. Born on 15 January 1977, Giorgia Meloni grew up in a working-class neighborhood in Rome. 

The party included members from the Italian Social Movement, which was created by the supporters of former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

From 2% in the 2013 elections, the Brothers of Italy gained a quick margin of 26% by 2022.

Giorgia Meloni’s political slogan was “God, family, and homeland”. It was seen as an aggressive valorization of Christian identity, family values, and Italian ultra-nationalism that could be hostile to other identities.

For this year’s election, she even campaigned on a platform that was openly anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQI. She proposes to amend Italy’s Constitution to introduce a directly elected President in place of the current Parliamentary democratic system.

The Hindu analyzed 18 nationalist parties across Europe. Data shows that the far-right parties have secured a considerable vote share in many countries and have increased their voter base in some of them. While Meloni’s party was launched as a vehicle opposed to European Union integration, she has toned down the anti-EU rhetoric.

But the Brothers of Italy have shown that they intend to put Italy first and regional issues on the back burner. This indicates that the upcoming government will be more Italy-centric than Euro-centric.

The main reason behind the rise of the party was the failure of other political parties. Mr. Berlusconi’s threat to dissolve the government to pass the 2005 electoral reform, the shift of the League party to the Five Star Movement from the right alliance after the 2018 elections, and a break in the coalition between Italia Viva, the Democratic Party, and the Five Star Movement in 2021, damaged the credibility of these parties.

On the other hand, the Brothers of Italy, neither changed its partnership nor its identity and used the failure of other parties to its benefit. The party’s main focus includes stabilizing financial markets, keeping debt in check, and meeting Italy’s energy crisis without regional dependency. It has managed to keep true to its fascist roots even when it entered mainstream politics. Externally, the party focuses on transatlantic relations, siding with Europe in standing against Russia.

In power, the Brothers of Italy will now have to address two major challenges. First is Italy’s economy which is heading towards contraction, besides COVID-19-induced debt, and energy crises, while the second challenge comes from within the coalition.

What does Italy’s new coalition mean for Europe?

The region as a whole is alarmed by the majority won by the Brothers of Italy party. This is mainly due to two factors, one being the party’s history of being evolved from Mussolini and containing members who are known for neo-fascist origins. Although Ms. Meloni’s stance on EU’s policies in terms of energy price cap, sanctions on Russia seem to be in line with the EU, Italian nationalism has always been the underlining priority. Ms. Meloni shares similar views with Hungarian leader Victor Orban with respect to the economy and issues regarding abortion, LGBTQ rights and migration, sending mixed signals for regional cooperation.

Secondly, Italy is one of the most volatile countries in the region in terms of political stability, with more than 65 governments coming to power since the end of the Second World War. The frequent breaking and making of coalition due to the misrule of Mr. Berlusconi, the shifting of the League party between coalitions, and the rain of reforms under each government has pushed Italy into a prolonged political crisis. Europe does not wish to see yet another government coalition break nor does it want Italy becoming another Hungary. Therefore, dilemma over stability and cooperation hangs in the air for the EU.

PM Modi congratulates Italian leader Giorgia Meloni for poll victory. She replies

“Congratulations Giorgia Meloni for leading your party Fratelli Italia to victory in the Italian general elections. We look forward to working together to strengthen our ties,” Modi tweeted.

Meloni thanked Modi for the congratulatory message and tweeted Italy is ready to cooperate with India on international stability and all other global challenges.

Apart from Modi, several other leaders from across the globe including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki congratulated Meloni on victory in the Italian general elections.

Meloni, 45, will be the first woman to take charge of the top position in the country.

“Italians have given us an important responsibility. It will now be our task not to disappoint them and do our utmost to restore dignity and pride to the Nation,” she said in a Facebook post on Monday.



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