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Monday, 1 July 2024 | 12:34 am

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"Left's Loss Looms: Boom": Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) achieves a landmark victory in the Dutch elections, marking a major shift in the Netherlands' political arena. Wilders' win signals a new chapter, potentially reshaping European politics

| Satyaagrah | News
Wilders had posted on X, "Nupur Sharma is a hero who spoke nothing but the truth. The whole world should be proud of her. She deserves the Nobel Prize. And India is a Hindu nation, the Indian government is obliged to strongly defend Hindus against Islamic hate and violence."

"Milei's Might, Argentina Veers Right": Javier Milei, echoing Trump secures a decisive 56% in Argentina's presidential election, outpacing leftist opponent, his campaign, marked by aggressive anti-left rhetoric signals a major political shift in Argentina

| Satyaagrah | News
Milei has promised to slash government spending by closing the inflation-hit country's ministries of culture, education, and diversity, and by eliminating public subsidies

"Mecca's Resolve: Preserving Purity" - Saudi Arabia escalates its crackdown in Mecca and Medina, escorting Muslims to off-site locations; they're interrogated for activism about Palestine and Gaza, starkly portraying the cost of activism in sacred spaces

| Satyaagrah | News
According to Islah Abdur-Rahman, a Saudi soldier reprimanded him for raking up the issue of 'Israel-Palestine' in Mecca by wearing the keffiyeh

USA gun violence claims the life of Indian doctoral student Aaditya Adlakha in Cincinnati, mirroring the tragic fates of Jude Chacko, Saiesh Veera, and Devsish Nandepu - all lost on foreign soil, far from their motherland's embrace, their dreams shattered

| Satyaagrah | News
Aaditya was found shot inside his car at the intersection of the Western Hills Viaduct and Central Parkway early morning before sunrise and declared dead on the morning of 11 November

"Tactical Faux Pas": Netanyahu publicly scolds Trudeau for his theatrics in calling for Israeli restraint in Gaza, highlighting Israel's proactive measures against Hamas's aggression, while casting doubt on Trudeau's shifting policy under political duress

| Satyaagrah | News
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's political maneuvers, particularly in light of his declining popularity, as indicated by a September poll, have been a topic of much discussion

"Securing Lives, Challenging Terror": Israel nears a strategic breakthrough with Hamas, negotiating the release of hostages in a move that underscores its resolve and commitment to its people amid a tense, decades-long conflict in the Middle East

| Satyaagrah | News
Tracing the volatile Israel-Hamas saga: From Israel's 2005 Gaza exit to Hamas's brutal 2023 onslaught, a timeline of a conflict that shook the Middle East

"What a swap: Tanks to Tractors!": Amid economic chaos, Pakistan sees Honda, Suzuki & Toyota halt operations, while its army turns to farming in a satirical shift from military might to agricultural ambition, facing soaring prices and production pauses

| Satyaagrah | News
Honda Atlas Cars echoes this sentiment, its own announcement punctuated by an almost audible sigh over the "disruptions in operations caused by shortages in inventory and parts within their supply chain