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"Modi hell-bent on re-creating the lost Hindu kingdom or Hindu Rashtra”: Propaganda of demonizing India over the fake narrative of ‘Muslim persecution’ set in motion again by International Toolkit

| Satyaagrah | News
British-American Journalist Mehdi Hassan, TV presenter and Chef Padma Lakshmi and German Footballer Mesut Ozil have targeted India over 'treatment of Muslim Minorities' as Ramzan Eid comes close

Manmohan Singh led-UPA Govt chose to be meek and mute while USA funded a dam project in PoK in 2011: UNPO noted that support was controversial as Gilgit Baltistan is an internationally recognised disputed territory

| Satyaagrah | News
The agreement was signed between Aga Khan Foundation and USAID on March 12, 2012, for the Satpara Development Project (SDP). Power House Unit No.3 became operational in May 2013 while Power House Unit No. 4 became operational in June 2013

Left-liberals and wokes in India and across globe suffered a major meltdown the moment Elon Musk acquired Twitter Inc. in a $44 billion dollar bid: Twitter locked source code to save from disgruntled employees

| Satyaagrah | News
With Elon Musk acquiring Twitter, sections of self-described wokes and 'liberals' in India and around the world are handwringing and losing their sleep over the probable metamorphosis the social media company may have under the leadership of Tesla CEO

Netflix suffered a reported loss of 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter triggering a drastic downfall in its stock prices: Tech billionaire Elon Musk's tweet reads, ‘Woke Mind Virus making Netflix unwatchable’

| Satyaagrah | News
On Wednesday, Elon Musk, who is known to make no bones about what he feels, took to Twitter to declare that it was a "woke mind virus" that had made Netflix unwatchable

New York Times receives a befitting reply from India over its report alleging India is stalling WHO’s efforts to make global Covid death toll public: Also asked NYT why it was unable to learn the estimates of other countries

| Satyaagrah | News
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said that India does not just question the result of the analysis but the methodology itself

George Soros’s Open Society Foundation-funded Institute Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) names Open Society functionary Harsh Mander in unofficial shortlist for Nobel prize

| Satyaagrah | News
PRIO's director Henrik Urdal, who has been on the post since 2017, named Harsh Mander as one of the five shortlisted candidates that he thinks would be the best fit to receive the Nobel Prize

Farmers Truck protest is a new swag worldwide now: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes in hiding with family in a secret ‘undisclosed’ location after thousands of truckers carried out protests over vaccine mandates

| Satyaagrah | News
The protests initially began in the Western part of the country after the government directed mandatory 14-day home quarantine for unvaccinated truckers, who have crossed the US-Canada border

The tension between Russia and Ukraine has raised concerns world over of possible invasion by Russia on Ukrainian soil and the US has started supplying military aid to Russia’s neighbouring nation: Let's dig up some details

| Satyaagrah | News
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine started when in 2013, the then-President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, decided to reject a deal for greater economic integration with European Union

"We won’t be able to evacuate American citizens if Russia attacks Ukraine" says President Biden: US Govt authorizes departure of govt employees from Ukraine amid escalating tensions

| Satyaagrah | News
The US Embassy in Ukraine would continue to function, and Kristina Kvien, in charge at the embassy, would remain in Ukraine. The department further added it was working on finding a diplomatic solution to Russia’s “troubling build-up of forces in and around Ukraine.”

Indian Ambassador TS Tirumurti raised the issue of 'Hindumisia' at the UN forum during the International Counter-Terrorism Conference 2022; raised awareness about Hinduphobia that is rising across the world

| Satyaagrah | News
"The UN has highlighted some of them over the years, namely, those based on Islamophobia, Christianophobia, and antisemitism - the three Abrahamic religions. These three find mention in the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. But new phobias, hatred or bias against other major religions of the world need to also be fully recognised", ambassador TS Tirumurti stated at the UN