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Pandemic to a Porndemic : A repugnant media and its rancours

A systematic disinformation and a hyped campaign has been unleashed by Bharatiya media against the Government of Bharat and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the handling of the Covid emergency situation in Bharat. The international media is not wasting much time. More, the merrier. It has joined the media circus adding pseudosophistication and colour to give the much needed rejuvenation for a wailing Bharatiya media after their most hated adversary was lauded world over for his handling of Covid during its first wave in Bharat and his vaccine diplomacy helping more than 70 nations by exporting the much needed Covid vaccine.


#GoBackModi on Twitter because sold out Indian media won't speak truth to power pic.twitter.com/MBYcJ0mSWI

— Kamran (@CitizenKamran) August 27, 2020

How can a craving media let this go unchallenged? Something had to be done to neutralize this. Luck smiled upon these hyenas with a second wave. Now visualize a bunch of these scavengers leaping and plunging on its prey.

Hard to believe that both the national and international media have no knowledge about the political landscape, the structure of governance and the administrative set up of Bharat. Bharat has a federal structure of governance with powers divided between the center and the state. National security, foreign affairs, currency and banking remains with the center, while law and order, health care, commerce and agriculture is vested with the state.

After the first lock down, the States wanted to handle Covid by themselves, as health is a State subject. The center gave into their demands and a free hand was given to handle Covid emergencies in matters of lock down and law and order. So how logical is it to hold the PM responsible for the shambolic situation they are into now? Media’s political bias is not new. Now all semblance of neutrality is completely lost. They are carrying out their journalistic excesses in the name of freedom of reporting.

The West with best healthcare broke down

Not very long ago the West was in a much worse condition than Bharat. America being the third most populous country in the world is only a quarter of the population of Bharat. With a much advanced health care system every western nation went through a tragedy of proportions not seen in the last 100 years.

➡️The saddest Part of India’s “Main stream” Media #GodiMedia is Sold out and inclined towards only one Party BJP
➡️Media has so much power to “Brainwash” the minds , sadly Zee News has spread Communal Hate and Anti Farmers Propaganda #किसानों_का_दुश्मन_ZeeNews Boycott Zee news pic.twitter.com/fr5lWFsxLR

— Dr khinda ( back up a/c) (@Drkhinda2) June 1, 2021  

America saw an average death of 3100 people as late as January 2021. Six days in the same month the numbers touched 4000. There were days when it tipped to 5000. Italy, France, Germany, UK and many other European countries were battling with Covid of humongous proportions. Hospitals ran out of beds and other supplies. They didn’t want patients to spill over on the streets lying on the beds, so were sent back home to die.

Italy stopped treating patients of all other ailments. Only Covid patients were given priority. Even among them the focus was only on the younger patients as they thought the older people had less chance to survive. The situation worsened with unattended patients adding to the death toll. Mass burials happening across nations with bodies queued up. Reportedly the Governor of New York hid the number of Covid deaths in nursing homes. The exact numbers are still unclear.

New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported that an earlier draft submitted had pegged the numbers at 9000+ and alleged that the NY Governor’s top aides altered the state health department report to hide the actual number of Covid deaths in the state’s nursing homes bringing it down to 6000+.

Republicans constantly raised this issue in 2020 but the media did not pick up the story fervently as elections were approaching and Democrats couldn’t afford to squander the opportunity to win which was looking well within their reach. A well calibrated narrative was already underway to blame Trump for the Covid disaster.

Grisly as it may get, dozens of dead bodies were found in un-refrigerated trucks in a decomposed state outside a Brooklyn funeral. Another 50 bodies were found in four different storage trucks and Andrew T Cleckley funeral home was loading trucks with ice to maintain the bodies from decaying. The melting ice and the foul smell emanating from the trucks caught the attention of the people in the neighbourhood who reported it to the officials.

Hospitals, mortuaries, funeral homes, cemeteries all were overflowing and the men working there were exhausted with bodies piling up. The family members of the dead said it took at least two to three weeks to get a body removed and get it buried, whatever be the cause of the death, whether it was Covid related or otherwise.

NDTV India's Sold out Media House to Terrorist Organizations misleads India and the Whole World

It was Hamas -whose Rocket Strike killed an Indian Women in Israel

NDTV -Bunch of Terrorist Mindset pic.twitter.com/ftk9KPIfEb

— सत्यमेव जयते 🇮🇳 (@rohan7743) May 15, 2021  

Since the Governor of NewYork is a Democrat leader the liberals can’t afford to be harsh on him. Western media has been quite mild in rebuking or grilling the governor and the state administration. Had it been a Republican state the story would have been different. Early this year the FBI had started investigating the handling of the alleged data undercount of Covid deaths in NewYork state run care homes and facilities.

The state officials estimated the Covid fatality figures at more than 15,000 residents from state run nursing homes and health care facilities. By then all the heat and dust of the elections had settled. Well played. This is the real face of people who advocate “speak truth to power”.

This is the latest from NYC. The bodies are still waiting for burial. You may check the date.